For Lawn Service Memphis Is Worth Visiting

By Deborah Baker

Good lawn does not occur overnight and it does not happen on its own. It takes both time and effort to achieve a lawn that is pleasant to look at. Lawn care and maintenance is comprised of a number of steps that need to be performed on the grass one after the other. These activities are mowing, watering, pest control, fertilizing, thatching, aerating, and trimming. When in need of Lawn service Memphis should be visited.

When lawns are well-done, they not only make the property look good, but also the whole neighborhood. When the grass is healthy, it provides children a safe surface to play on. Adults are also able to relax outdoors on the turf and have a good time. One can decide to hire a service company to provide maintenance services if they like. However, in the longer term, this option may prove to be expensive.

Maintenance and care of turf includes watering as one of the most important processes. Proper and healthy growth is encouraged by regular and deep application of water. The roots are able to grow deeper when water is applied deeply. This is particularly important during seasons when water is scarce. Grass that is watered well can withstand harsh months better without having their color turning too much.

Telling the amount of water required for deep root development is difficult. This is because many factors like the season, temperature, wind factor, soil type, grass species, and mowing height determine the amount of water required. Measuring the water amount from the sprinkler or rainfall can be done with rain gauges. This helps in determining the water amount required in the area.

Generally, one inch of water is usually enough. Better performance of grass on south-facing slopes and high spots can be encouraged by applying water more deeply. One should hold back on watering in areas that stay most of the day shadowed. Also, if the grass grows next to a tree, it should be irrigated more. Tree roots absorb most of the water leaving none for the turf. The canopy cast by trees also cut off rain water.

The perfect time for watering is early in the morning. This is the case because early watering leaves less room to water loss through evaporation and wind. Even though watering can also be done in the evening, it is not ideal. This is because watering in the evening leaves the lawn wetter for longer than it should. This encourages the development of diseases.

Grass that is watered frequently is likely to encounter problems with pests. Thus, pest control should be done regularly. One should take time to inspect the lawn for any signs of pest invasion. In case one notices any herbs or plants that do not belong, they should be uprooted. Uprooting should be done when the herbs are still young before flowering.

Thatch has the tendency of cutting off supplying of air by accumulating at the foot of grass. Healthy grass needs air. Proper aeration can be ensured by raking the grass regularly. After one has mowed the turf, they should dethatch it as necessary. All these activities are performed by most service companies if one hires them.

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