Find Womens Nutrition Carlsbad CA

By Joshua Robinson

Hormonal balance is so important that many of the disorders that women experience throughout their life can be attributed to an imbalance. When one or more hormones is under or over stimulated, problems range from PMS to menopausal discomfort. Both diet and lifestyle contribute to over-all health, including the proper production of hormones by the body's glandular system. Counseling on womens nutrition Carlsbad CA way can help local women have a higher quality of life.

Hormones play a critical role in female health from birth on. Puberty brings sexual maturity to a girl if her hormones are functioning properly. If her health is poor, she may experience dramatic mood swings, painful periods, and other problems that make adolescence famously difficult.

Estrogen is the most plentiful female hormone. Researchers have identified several different types of estrogen. The kind of estrogen produced may depend on age, whether or not the woman is pregnant, and other factors. A healthy woman will go through puberty with ease, develop a womanly body, have painless periods, conceive and nurse children, and pass into and through menopause with barely a symptom. Her hair will be thick, her skin not overly dry, and she will have the energy she needs to get through the day.

Unfortunately, painful periods and mood swings are common for women of child-bearing age and menopausal disorders affect millions of older women. Fatigue is one of the most common complaints doctors hear from women over forty. Night sweats, hot flashes, dry and thinning skin and hair, dry eyes and mouth, and heavy bleeding can make the 'change of life' long and unpleasant.

The right nutritionist or naturopath can help a woman find supplements and foods that help keep her whole system in balance. It's very possible to do this with personal research and choices, but a doctor can do blood analyses and other tests to get an accurate picture of what is going on. If you express a desire to try natural means before any pharmaceutical drugs, many physicians will work with you.

It is usual to find nutritionists on staff at clinics that are headed by a medical doctor but which have other health experts on staff. Often Chinese herbalists, acupuncturists, massage therapists, and other trained people combine their skills to help clients plan a new health regimen.

Nutrition involves more than food. It is important to know what to eat but also what to avoid and why. A sedentary lifestyle can keep your body from functioning well. In fact, health professionals now cite sitting too much as 'as bad as smoking'. Reducing stress and coping with its effects is critical.

Go online to read up on the difference between healthy food and empty calories, on when exercise is too little or perhaps too much, what stress can to do you, and what supplements can help with certain symptoms. Better nutrition may not be all that is needed, but it will be the foundation for improving your health.

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