What Does The Future Hold For Cyber Security Military Business

By Gary West

A myriad of far reaching changes in defense technology have been notable over the last ten years. Presently, there is a marked shift in priority from conventional warfare to internet warfare. With fast technological advancement, newer threats to systems that critically depend on information technology have become evident. This change has had an impact in cyber security military business.

As things stand, solution providers in the cyber security market have a lot to offer to armies and federal agencies. Modern solutions cover areas such as network safety, applications and wireless solutions. The good thing about advanced solutions is the fact that most of them can be tailored to work as single layered defense products.

Nowadays, there is a new sophistication in internet attacks. Each day, malicious hackers release codes aimed at penetrating networks that guard government institutions and banks. Among the most prominent recent attacks are stealth bots, zero day attacks and internet worms.

The saving grace, though, is that vendors in the industry are also up to task. Every year, they develop solutions aimed at negating the effects of the harmful tools developed in the hacking underworld. Their mantra is to stay ahead of the enemy at all times. Far reaching improvements have been notable in critical areas such as the development of safety policies, mitigation techniques, firewalls and intrusion detection systems.

Trends are what have actively informed product development amongst solution providing companies. Today, for instance, there are growing threats to critical national infrastructure. These include the national electricity grid, water systems and the government network. These sectors are often targeted by hacking groups sponsored by rival foreign governments for economic interests.

Statistics indicate that homeland security and the military account for about 40 percent of business in the technology market. Many nations also spend a fortune funding firms that specialize in research on impenetrable solutions. There is no doubt that companies that offer tailored solutions have a lot to gain in the coming years.

One sector that gets immense research funding is aerospace defense. There are ever growing threats of aerial attacks from rival nations and tech savvy insurgency groups. Furthermore, drone technology has only gotten better. As a result, there is a race between countries to develop superior fighter jets, radar systems, missiles and drones. Contractors rake in billions each year from government supplies contracts.

The two broad categories of solutions providers are vendors and defense companies. Vendors basically center their solutions on the area of information safety. Defense companies, on the contrary, tend to mainly deal with tailored government solutions that serve homeland security interests. They largely deal with mega budget hardware projects while vendors focus significantly on software.

While it is a fact that growth does not happen rapidly in the defense sector, the opposite is true for the technology industry. As time progresses, the slow but steady uptake of technology within military circles will have to be supported by advanced technological solutions. Ultimately, service providers will have to customize their products to meet market demands.

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