Sun Tan Spray Fights The Bite Of The Sun

By Haywood Hunter

Sun tan spray has been with us for quite a while. The deadly UV rays of sunlight has forced people to try and develop some kind of protection. The result was lotions that can be applied to the skin. Many types are available.

Sunscreen should never be confused with suntan oil. The oil is made for people who wants to tan quickly. It actually strengthens the heat of the sun to ensure a deeper and quick tan. This product does not provide any protection and is not meant to do so. Sunscreens like sun tan cream reflects and filters the heat to protect the skin against harmful rays. When buying a product for a day at the beach, make sure to choose right.

Sunblock is a very necessary product for anyone who will be exposed to the sun for a relatively long time. It is essential that the sunblock goes along and that it gets used when you spend a day at the beach. Sunblock also have another use. They sometimes serve as part of the arsenal of someone who has a light skin and wants to protect it. Light skins gets damaged very easily by the sun.

Whatever kind of package you get it in, the cream should be applied to all skin that is exposed to the sun. For most adults, one squirt should be close to enough to cover all the areas that needs it. It is also available in a spray.

The traditional belief is that the best way to apply sun cream is treatment two to three hours before you go outside. This is now being challenged by researchers who say you need to apply the product fifteen to thirty minutes before going outside and then again after being outdoors for the same period. After a swim the product should be applied again, except if it is water resistant.

Babies should not really need suntan lotion because they should not even be exposed to direct sunlight for a longer amount of time. Adults have been taught about the dangerous rays. If the child will be outside for long, a physician should be consulted to see what is safe for the baby. Babies many times will break out in rashes from any skin care products because of their sensitive skin.

Most older kids though seem to love playing outside, so it is extra important to put sun block on them to protect them. If they get sun burn in ten minutes, SPF 30 block will give them protection for 300 minutes and SPF 15 for 150 minutes.

The sun is a cause of skin cancer. It is dangerous and must be treated as such. For this reason the American Cancer Society recommends the use of sunblocks. When you use it though, keep in mind that it van wash of or wipe off. Re-apply when you think it is necessary. There is no sense in paying a very high price of fun in the sun, especially not if sun tan cream can prevent it.

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