Basic Maintenance Tips For Your Dreads San Francisco

By Douglas Collins

Dreadlocks are not hard to maintain. As a matter of fact, it is easier to maintain dreads than to maintain straight hair. It will however be necessary for you to adjust your hair care routines for you to keep your locks looking healthy, neat and appealing. Attending to your scalp will also go a long way in keeping the tresses looking soft and shiny. If you need professional care for your dreads San Francisco is an excellent place for you to begin research for the finest stylists.

A basic way to keep your dreadlocks looking good is by washing then on a regular basis. It pays to understand that nothing can be further from the truth that the notion that dreads are smelly, untidy and dirty. You want to maintain acceptable hygiene standards, irrespective of whether you want to achieve a casual or professional overall appearance.

For you to effectively clean the locks, you will need to invest in residue free shampoo. Use the product after dampening your hair and massage your scalp gently. From this point, you can rinse the tresses using a microfiber towel. This will remove all extra moisture in an effective manner. In case you want to dry your hair completely, it will be perfectly okay for you to utilize a bonnet hair dryer.

Even dreads need conditioning. This will supply your tresses and scalp with the needed moisture to remain in a healthy state. The difference between conditioning straight hair and dreadlocks is that you will need to specifically use a leave-in conditioner. A quality product will boost blood circulation and also soften the tresses.

Some people claim that the hair gets too soft after conditioning and this prevents it from locking properly. In case this is a concern that you face, you may want to get only the scalp and the tips of the dreads conditioned. You want to be tactful for you to avoid any challenges when retouching your locks.

The need to keep up with the locking process must not be underestimated. The freshly grown tresses will be straight and you should therefore roll them using your palm or a brush. This will go a long with in ensuring that your locks mature without suffering from breakage or other forms of damage. You ought to book an appointment with your stylist at least twice each month.

It is also important to solely use products that are meant for natural hair. In fact, there are special products that are particularly ideal for dreadlocks. What makes these products ideal is that they do not contain harsh chemicals and they also do not leave behind a residue. You could decide to ask your stylist for recommendations before choosing the products to invest in.

The last tip is that your dreads should always be properly wrapped before you sleep. This will reduce the needless moisture loss that could take a toll on your hair as well as your scalp. When choosing a scarf, focus on those that are silken. Alternatively, just choose a material that will not prey on the moisture in your tresses.

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