Tips For End Of Lease Cleaning Brisbane's Landlords Have For Their Tenants

By Patricia Allen

Before you move into a rental property, you have to sign a contract and pay the first and last month's rent. You will be required to put down a security deposit. This money is held by the landlord until you move out. If you leave your unit in a mess, he will use the money to clean it up. Experienced tenants have some helpful hints for end of lease cleaning Brisbane landlords appreciate.

You've got to be proactive and make your own inspection list before you even move in. There have probably been previous tenants, and they may have nicked or dented counters and appliances. Taking photos will give you proof you didn't cause them. Once you get moved in, vacuuming and mopping regularly is recommended as well as removing carpet stains and mopping up spills immediately.

Pets are a special issue. When you have one, you need to be extra diligent about cleaning up fur, dander, and accidents. When something breaks, or goes wrong, in your unit, contact the landlord right away. You do not want the problem to get worse or have him blame you for not addressing the issue immediately.

When you get ready to move out, compare your initial walk through inspection report with the current condition of your unit. Make any changes necessary to get the place back to its original condition. If you've got carpet, you should probably have it steamed clean. You can do this yourself or hire a service. You might need to fumigate if you have a pet.

Hiring a professional crew to come in and do the clean up is sometimes worth the money it costs. It can be especially helpful if you are working on your new place and working full time. The company may actually guarantee a 100% return of your deposit when you hire them. As a precaution, you should probably take photos of the way you left your unit showing it in the same condition as when you moved in.

Creating a checklist of things to do for each room will help you get organized. Your kitchen list needs to include a thorough cleaning of the stove, oven, dishwasher, refrigerator, and microwave, inside and out. The floors must be mopped and the counters spotless. The inside and outside of drawers and cabinets have to be wiped out.

The bathroom list should include cleaning and sanitizing the toilet, sink, tub, and shower. You have to dust the vents and mop the floor. The drawers and cabinets have to be cleaned out and wiped down. If there is any mold or mildew on the shower door or the mirrors, it must be completely removed.

Your security deposit is usually a substantial amount of money. You don't want to lose it if you can help it. Instead of panicking at the last minute, you should keep your unit clean and functioning well the whole time you are in it.

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