Learning About The Lakota Culture

By Ruth Ross

If you have never heard of an oral tradition before, it is not very difficult of a thing to understand. All that you need to know is that it is a way of passing down histories and legends by means of storytelling, which is something that is done verbally. This is the way that many cultures have passed down their traditions and many other bits of vital information down the generations for countless years, and a prime example of this in action would be the lakota culture.

When settlers were coming to North America from Europe, they were not exactly sure what to do about all the troublesome people who already lived on this land and were very different from them. One of the ways that these Europeans tried to cope, besides just committing mass genocides, was to try to force these Native Americans to abandon their own traditional ways and start doing things the European way, which they considered civilized. In the process of doing this, they ended up destroying a lot of beautiful artifacts and traditions.

There have been many hardships that have caused this way of life to be hindered in some way. In spite of all of these things, the ways of these people have survived even to this very day. This is a wonderful thing that all of this wasn't lost forever, and the people who still live and learn this way of life are very proud of the fact that they have kept it alive this long, and they don't show any signs of stopping what they're doing anytime soon.

Traditionally, one of the best times to hear these types of stories is in the wintertime. This is mainly because there is not a lot else to do in the winter. It is too cold to work or play outside, so most of the time people would be huddled around the fire telling stories of the past.

When a story is told to you over and over again, you tend to remember it a lot better. This is definitely the theory behind the oral tradition. The elders will repeatedly tell the same stories, much like most people's parents do, but in this case, it is intentional.

There was a time when it was more common to record the events of the year in the form of pictures. This is still done in some cases, and they can be very beautiful as well as informative. Unfortunately, many of these were lost due to European settlers.

A great thing about these people's histories is that it goes all the way back to the beginning of time. This is the benefit of having a record of history that doesn't wear down with erosion. It can be a very interesting insight into ancient history.

According to their many stories, these people came into this world via a range of hills. The first people to arrive were turned into buffalo. After hearing this, you'll probably never look at that animal the same way again.

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