Talking About Variable Rate Spreaders

By Stephanie Green

Planting is awesome. While it may be hard and especially cruel to us lazy introverts, the outcome when they finally bloom or bear fruit is in itself a reward. We really love plants, dude. What more do you want from us? And if you want to grow yours in a ridiculously increasing fast pace, buy something that helps it. Like fertilizers. Or maybe even Variable Rate Spreaders.

What if you met a clone of yourself? What would you do to him or her? Would you use them for your own benefit? Like, say, make them go to school and work while you relax at home? Force them to attend uncomfortable meetings that you were reluctant to attend? Would that not sound very convenient?

The girl only followed his orders, right? What was wrong? All she was doing was use her powers on their perpetrator like he had asked. Maybe she did not do it the right way? It was by HIS command so what the hell did she do now? Her trainer never once looked at her and kept his eyes trained on the one they were interrogating.

How about super strength? Heavy lifting will literally not be a problem to you. In times of need like a car getting stuck in a gutter, you literally are just going to lift it up no problem. Got trapped under heavy rubble? Punch your way out of it, my friend. Bullied and getting sick of your tormentors? Well, who cares about ethics, just beat them up easy.

When you think about it, why did your clones come into being? Do they have a purpose? What exactly will you do once you found out what that purpose was? What if they came into being for the benefit of others? Say, for indecent purposes? What will you feel and what will you do, knowing these closes were made for THAT as they look like you?

She did as was told of course. And she did so without moving. Her mind dissipated the control she had on the struggling bastard who had trouble breathing because of her. At once, he slumped in relief as he gasped for air, even with all the blood he had to cough out. Then his bleeding essentially stopped thanks to her.

Plus, we get to say Dracarys before shooting out fire. Since we love Game Of Thrones so much, we eventually will have to parody that show if our power happens to be fire. We would even pretend to have dragons while we are at it. How cool is that? Plus being immune to fire takes the cake.

Yes, we are essentially creating a monster. But with the society that depends on science and espers, with scientists at the forefront of this so called society, it is imperative we do any means necessary, correct? Though, admittedly, we actually will not do this even if we WERE give the power to.

Just because you have the ability, does not mean you have the right to abuse it like you did so earlier on this man. He continued, his voice cutting through her. We almost lost a valuable witness because of your recklessness, you stupid girl.

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