Lowcountry Womens Fiction Author: The Most Fun Writing Genre

By Debra Nelson

People often think that all writers are introverted book nerds; that is not always the case. In fact, some famous award-winning writers like Ben Groundwater and Catherine Marshall have each traveled to over 80 countries in their lives. They are extroverted and love writing, so they combined these two characteristics to excel in outdoor writing. Also, Lowcountry womens fiction author earn good money by writing about its living experiences observing the world.

It is fun being an outdoor writer, they go to trips regularly, make notes about the food and activities (kayaking, camping, fishing, and etc.) there and finally write articles or books and sell them. Jonathan White, a well know writer wrote a book about the experience he got when he visited the ocean, his book title is The Science and Spirit of the Ocean.

Some when they are at these holiday destinations focus on finding the things that are unique and fun to do at a particular holiday area. Some focus on the cost of the overall trip while some focus on how easy or difficult it is to tour in these areas. They then write reviews on the holiday websites, or advertise them in tourism magazines for a fee or write articles for their blogs.

With one trip, a writer can sell the same experience to several markets. All they have to do is to rewrite and reshape the article with different pictures to avoid plagiarism and to make each article unique and authentic. Each article will differ depending on what the buyers need and its purpose, but only one trip will have been made. Selling one thing to different people in different ways will maximize the profits.

There are times where travel writers are at risk of having a financial loss. During these times they would see that they actually spent more than they should have had when they were on their trip. The money they gain from the articles they wrote will be less than the money they spent to find enough information to write those articles. Or perhaps, the book they wrote is not making enough sales to cover the money they spent writing it. This is one major disadvantage of this writing genre.

There is a misconception that travel writers have a lot of fun more than they work. They actually work more than to enjoy themselves during these outdoor trips. They spend time being attentive to detail, taking notes, taking pictures, interviewing people and making price comparisons. They have to make sure that they collect enough information before they leave the place.

Outdoor writing is not about writing about traveling experiences only; it involves any form of writing that covers outdoor activities. Some writers write about their backyard gardens, their farms, local weather, and their local geological settings. They don t take trips, they just go outside of their houses, observe their surroundings and start to write.

Travel writers travel worldwide and make money from that.

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