The Role Of Modern TeleHealth

By Frances Sanders

Modern technology has transformed the way that people in rural communities live. They are no longer cut off from facilities and services in bigger cities. They can be connected in an instant thanks to technology like telehealth services. Because these services now reach into even the remotest areas of the country, they continue to prove themselves vital in transforming the lives and health of people who once had few options for medical and dental care.

This service is also known as telemedicine and essentially allows doctors in rural communities to connect virtually with providers in larger facilities in bigger cities. The meeting takes place via a wireless Internet connection. That connection is established in either a mobile healthcare clinic, doctor's office, or hospital. Once the connection is established, the doctor in the small town can meet virtually with providers in larger cities.

It also spares patients from having to make lengthy drives away from home. They instead have the chance to meet virtually with specialists who can tell them what is wrong with them and what it will take to look or feel better. They can stay close to home and get all of the medical care required for their particular health condition. They might no longer be required to go elsewhere for care.

The physician in the small town likewise can show medical records and share other information as needed with the other healthcare provider. He or she does not have to fax, email, or mail the documents. All he or she has to do is hold them up to the camera in order for the provider to read them. The patient benefits because this individual gets fast help for a variety of medical conditions.

It also saves patients time and money. The virtual meetings could be billed as regular doctors' visits to patients' insurance. The insurance would then cover it as a regular expense rather than as a specialty visit. The patients also would not need a referral in order to have their medical care paid for or to receive treatment for a variety of health conditions.

In a life threatening situation, this virtual connection could end up saving someone's life. If, for example, a person comes to the hospital with a debilitating injury or illness, he or she might not be stable enough to transport to a bigger hospital. The treating doctor might need to consult with a specialist virtually in order to stabilize the person. This individual would then be able to be transported safely.

Many smaller communities are now investing in these services. They are paying for wireless Internet and virtual connections with grants given out by the federal government. Some healthcare agencies and hospitals are also coordinating with rural facilities to establishes the services in order to assist rural patients.

Telemedicine is changing the way people seek out and get medical care. Many people who live in the smallest and most remote of areas no longer have to travel miles out of the way just to see a doctor. They can get the treatments they need and meet virtually with specialists if necessary from their hometowns. They end up saving a lot of time, money, and hassle in looking and feeling better.

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