Mixed Marriage And How People Make It Work Through Collective Empowerment

By Dorothy Stewart

Love always wins right? Well, most of the time it does. The only time it doesn t win is when to stand between two people who genuinely love each other and have their best interest at heart. Learning to accept the differences of your partner as far as race and religion are concerned is difficult because there are so many factors that you have to take into account. Interfaith marriages are one of them and collective empowerment is there to support you.

Interfaith marriage is when you marry someone who doesn t share the same spiritual sentiments as you do. This speaks to say, it is someone who doesn t believe in your religion. However, this shouldn t be a problem if you love each other right? Well, that has become a dubious question for most married couples.

However, it is important to note that, it is not every partnership that is struggling with this spiritual dynamic. If your love was founded on basic things such as love, respect, and loyalty, believing different religions shouldn t be a problem. It only becomes something that is problematic when one spouse isn t exactly happy with the other s religion of spouse.

Unless you were forced into a marriage without your consent, you would have to know about your partner s religious differences before you embark on the journey of committing to each other forever. It is for this reason why you should never rush into a life you not ready to live by. Take your time and get to know your partner before you decide to tie the knot.

There are a lot of people who divorce not because they want to but because people have interfered in their business so much that they no longer see the point of staying in their nuptials. Don t fall into the trap of letting people put negative thoughts into your head that will bring you nothing but a bad report.

The last thing you want to do is disrespect each other s religions. This will destroy your marriage instead of uplifting it. Learn to respect each other and the practices that you both perform at your designated churches. Don t be too noisy about what the other person is doing because this will also not turn out as a friendly gesture to the other individual.

It will prove to be rather difficult to let go of a relationship that has brought you nothing but happiness. However, you might be forced to do this if your religion doesn t believe or accept any interfaith marriage practices. For this reason, you have to initially find out if you can or if you are prohibited to do such.

There are many pastors that would be able to marry interfaith spouses. If you are not sure about which spiritual leader to go to, you can research the leaders and try to establish which person meets your spiritual expectations. A marriage regardless of how it came about is extremely important and it can only become a great lifestyle if both parties are willing to put in the effort to make it an amazing journey.

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