Tips For Maintaining Professional Teeth Whitening Austin Tx Residents May Try

By Martha Stone

Getting your smile beaming once again with the help of a dentist does not come free of charge. This is why you should do everything you can in order to keep the impressive result intact. Read on to come across some very simple tips on how to maintain the effect of professional teeth whitening Austin Tx dentists are providing. Following them allows you to keep your beautiful smile for a really long time.

Brush right away. The moment that you consume something, oral microbes start to multiply. Eventually, those bacteria end up as what's called dental plaque that can cause nasty staining. It's for this reason why it is highly recommended for you to immediately brush after eating to minimize oral microbes and keep dental plaque at bay.

Gargle if brushing isn't possible. In case brushing is not an option, do not panic. What you need to do instead in order to eliminate much of those oral microbes and also food particles is head to the sink and gargle. In order to lower the risk of your smile becoming tarnished, gargle several times in a row.

Steer clear of foods that can leave a stain. Although it's true that vegetables and fruits with very bright or deep colors are good for your health, the fact is they can cause discoloration of your pearly whites. However, it's not a good idea to evade them and end up malnourished. Keep on consuming them but only in moderate amounts. It will also help a lot if you start brushing or gargling as soon as you're through having them to fend off staining.

Reduce consumption of colored drinks. All kinds of drinks out there are known as wreckers of a professionally whitened smile. Black tea, green tea and coffee are on the top of the list. Other examples are cola, red wine and sports drinks. Cold drinks that can cause stains may be taken with a straw in order to keep your pearly whites from coming into contact with them.

Turn your back on cigarette smoking. Nothing can make your beaming smile go away faster than cigarette smoking. Toxins present in cigarette smoke can quickly turn your smile from bright to brownish. Besides, it's not just your lovely smile that can be kept intact if you quit cigarette smoking, but also your health. Doctors confirm that there are so many serious problems that cigarette smoking can bring, ranging from oral cancer, lung cancer to heart disease.

Use at home touch up kits. These days, it's so much easier for anyone to keep the results of professional whitening intact as there are many touch up kits available on the market. It is a good idea to ask your dentist which products can yield results safely and effectively to ensure that your pearly whites and gums won't be placed in danger.

Regularly go to the dental clinic. To attain and maintain optimum oral health, pay your trusted dentist a visit at least once per year. If your goal is to professionally whiten your smile, it's likely that you will have to go to the dental clinic about 4 times a year.

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