Youth Immigration And High School Anxiety Programs Bergen County NJ Are Becoming More Important

By Gary Wright

The US population consists of 15% foreign-born residents and for those moving into the country, it may seem daunting especially for the youth members of the families. High school anxiety programs Bergen County NJ is made with the purpose to create a safe atmosphere for others due to her turmoil-ridden past full of poverty and abuse.

Students without limits were inspired by a painful and abusive past that Scully experienced. The program is one of the only youth immigration programs that can be found when searching on google. They aim to help foreign-born youth, undocumented youth, homeless and unaccompanied minors whose parents have been deported and students with US citizenship but whose parents are undocumented.

However, her program mainly focuses on educational challenges that immigrant youth face. Statistics have proven that only 54% of undocumented youth leave high school with their diploma whereas the rate for their counterparts is 82%. The statistics continue to highlight how only 5-10% of these undocumented immigrants make it into higher education spaces.

Students without limits try to minimize this reality impacting a lot of refugees by hosting a Dynamic After School workshop which consists of a various number of activities including family meetings where care groups are formed, and support is given, academic tracking of the members and some workshops are led by an attorney where students can receive detailed information to help themselves and their families.

Although great things are being done by the Students without limits program more can definitely be achieved. HEARTS which is an abbreviation for Help Each Asylum seeker and Refugee to Settle is, the example of what more looks like. The program is based in the city of Leeds in the United Kingdom.

The HEARTS program is located in Leeds in the United Kingdom and supplies help to young people between the age of 14-21 years of age. They offer a variety of initiatives for their members namely: advocate/ keyworker support, mentoring, orientation and prevention programs, and cultural and imaginative activities which encourage participation and concrete influencing between their parts.

Their advocate/ keyworker support initiative forms an important role in the impact they have on these youths. Though they attempt to help break strong language and cultural barriers and provide financial and educational assistance. These play a large role as communication forms the crux of a teenager s high school experience and by actively assisting these students integration can be possible. For the social member, their social and creative activities are the most appealing. Weekly social events are hosted by a creatives arts organization. Art has been proven as a great method of non-verbal communication as it can help members express their feelings.

Their mentoring and peer mentoring program is the best as it provides educational support, where members have access to people to assist them with difficult school material. The program also includes money management training, information about the UK culture and also highlights sexual, drugs and alcohol awareness. This helps address direct problems that the youth might be facing. With the new laws and developments in the States creating a safe space as the one HEARTS has formed is now more important than ever. No youth deserves to feel alone. All those are great examples of the morally highest American society that try to come out of the mug of the blind and selfish consumeristic ideology. As citizens of the greatest democracy of the world, all of us should really put some effort to make the next generation ready to lead the planet in the new millennia.

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