The Olympic Shooting Has A Beautiful History Behind Them Along With Their Skill

By Joseph Taylor

Someone in the world has been dreaming to become a shooter. Either they want to be cool or just want a hobby. The Olympic shooters though do it more serious note.

The target shoot that are more formal involves bow, arrow and spear first were used in training military activities. But Iliad states that those Greeks held archery matches to hit the pigeons on every top of the tall poles to honor the gods. Slavs, Celts, Indians, Germans and Persians are engaged in somehow similar activities.

Though sport as shooting has always been a part in Olympic Games since then. Back in eighteen ninety six and nineteen hundreds, the first few targets are pigeons. But after that they replaced with clay target on nineteen eight hundred onwards

Between nineteen ten and nineteen fifteen, the skeet shooting was created it is an attempt to somehow stimulate game blasting. The competitors will fired at round the clock using a circle of shooting stations. The format later was modified to present day half circle with the targets thrown up and low on either side of the said field.

There were club competitions at early stage that has one only shot matches that shoots elaborately at those wooden targets. Those shooting and matches events are for more or one clubs that were held during or every New Years Day, special occasions or religious holidays. The prizes normally composed of money, food or gold.

Olympic Shooting was first watched at the very first Olympics Competition in eighteen ninety six in Athens. Back then there were only thirty nine competitors, and each representing different nations, who are going to be competing in total of five events which is two high power rifle and three pistol. The second Olympics games, numbers of competitors grew into one hundred thirty nine and then it represent thirteen nations in total. The shooters number from many different nations continued to rocket up over the years and so as the events the constantly changing.

Eight nations has establish the international shootings organization, and recollected today as world regulate body for gunning. The union is based now at Germany, also and has member of one hundred forty eight members. The organizations has started showing and established for the making sure the games is following the guidelines.

The accuracy target gun was improved when rifle makers started using new caps for percussion in eighteen twenty five hundred. The more formal match in shooting began after, and the competitions in parts all over the country were attended by a lot of spectators and shooters. There was a competition that was attended by thirty thousand spectators and six hundred shooters.

The introduction of shooting sports since then to Olympics inside the very first Games back in maybe eighteen ninety hundred six, the number of those events increase. Until two thousand four the matches keep on increasing and that is when the committee has come to conclusion and finalized fifteen happenings. Since then the number of games has been consistent. There are disciplines for this sport and there are three, which are the pistol, rifle and shotgun. Every discipline has five matches, and each has nine occurrences for male and six occurrences. It has been like this way back then, to make everything consistent and to avoid getting out of control with the matches and happenings they held each year.

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