Why A Notary Public In Concord CA Is Important To Society As A Whole

By Kimberly Powell

In days now long gone people used to make arrangements, enter into agreements and finalized transactions with nothing more than a handshake and a certainty that the word of a man is sacred. In this day and age, however, nobody trusts anyone else. When agreements are made, transactions concluded or promises made, it is done so in writing. Even that is not enough. These documents need to be notarized and witnessed. This is why a notary public in Concord CA is so often required.

Notaries have an old history, dating back to the times of early Rome where they slowly evolved from mere scribes to officials with many other responsibilities. The witnessed negotiations, recorded speeches and judicial proceedings and they served as official witnesses at many events. Modern notaries do much the same but they are appointed by the courts or the justice department. Appointments can be life log or temporary.

Notaries routinely certify copies as true copies of the original document. People need these certified copies when they cannot surrender the original document. Another routine tasks performed by notaries is to administer oaths. Oaths are solemn promises that the truth and nothing but the truth will be spoken. Witnesses in court cases are required to take an oath and if they are then found to be lying, they can face charges.

Taking down depositions and affidavits is another important task performed by notaries. With affidavits, a statement is made but a deposition is more like an interview with questions and answers. These are often used by attorneys to help them understand exactly what potential witnesses in court saw, experienced, done or heard. These can be lengthy and time consuming and that is why some notaries are also qualified stenographers.

Notaries are sometimes called upon to act as official witness during formal negotiations and discussions. They will keep record of the decisions made and the terms that all the parties agreed to. They will then notarize the final agreement, indicating that the document is indeed a true reflection of the results of the discussions or negotiations. Notarized agreements are very difficult to challenge in court.

Events that need to be officially recognized by a body such as the Guinness World Records also need to be refereed by notaries. They make sure that the event proceeds exactly according to the rules and they will certify the final outcome. In certain cases courts may require notaries to act as witnesses that specific orders of the court has been carried out.

The records that all notaries are required to keep serve several important purposes. In cases where disputes arise, these records often serve to clarify matters. The records of notaries are not easily disregarded by the courts and they actually serve to prevent such disputes from arising in the first instance. In a certain sense, notaries serve as official and highly respected witnesses.

Notaries play an important role within the bigger justice system. They are individuals deemed to be above reproach, that maintain a high level of integrity and to be above any form of corruption or graft. It is, in fact, a great honour to be appointed in such a position.

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