There Are Many Benefits To Ozone Sanitation

By Brenda Howard

People are more aware of germs, and the diseases that result from them, than earlier generations were. They were not as careful about making sure food preparation areas were kept sanitized. It was not unusual for families to leave food out for an extended period, simply covering it and leaving it on the kitchen table for the next meal. Today most adults are concerned with sanitizing their environment, but are hesitant about the chemicals in products that accomplish that. Ozone sanitation is the solution for those concerned individuals.

Although many are not familiar with the terminology, when people discover the benefits of aqueous ozone, they are intrigued with the concept. This product is a natural liquid oxidizer which, when it comes into contact with organic and inorganic materials, effectively destroys them and then returns to oxygen. In doing so, the liquid eliminates harmful contaminants and pathogens two hundred times more powerfully than chlorine. It works three thousand times faster than bleach.

Since the product leaves behind no residue and doesn't emit any gases or fumes, it is considered environmentally friendly. The only byproduct of the oxidizer is oxygen. This makes it completely safe for use by humans, and it is not a threat to plants or animals. It is just as effective in cold water as in hot so there is no reason to expend energy heating water to maximize its use.

The Environment Protection Agency has approved this product along with only two other products of its kind, antibiotics and antiseptics. It has been approved for use as a disinfectant in commercial food preparation areas, and meets or exceeds the standards set by OSHA and the Underwriters Laboratory. The Model Aquatic Health Code governs the health and safety of swimming facilities, and the liquid meets all of its guidelines.

Swimming pools and water rides are a lot of fun and every summer visitors flock to them. They are a hotbed for germs and pathogens however, and it can be difficult to keep them completely disinfected. Salmonella and E.coli are commonly found in the water. These pathogens can cause serious infections and other physical complications.

This liquid works very effectively with cold water, which saves energy. It also makes it a great product for sanitation in areas where using hot water is either not in abundant supply or inconvenient to reach. This makes it excellent for sanitizing in outdoor areas and at remote locations.

Since it works with cold water, it is not necessary to waste energy heating water. This money saver is so powerful that rinse recycling can be eliminated. This also saves water, increases efficiency, and frees workers to perform other tasks. The speed with which this works means there is less time spent in preparation and post-preparation of food.

People are becoming increasingly concerned about the chemicals found in foods, clothing and cleaning products. Using a natural oxidizer to disinfect and sanitize just makes sense. It is safe, effective, and environmentally friendly.

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