Selecting The Right Roofing Contractor Farmington AR

By Kevin Nelson

There is nothing like going above and beyond in protecting yourself when you consider your finances and home. Very many roof contractors out here are open to breaking the law for their own benefit and this may result into liability for you and your home. Honest contractors too make mistakes in some instances, sometimes without knowing. That's why it's vital to know the following simple ways to safeguard yourself when selecting a roofing contractor Farmington AR.

Commercial or residential, a new roof is a big investment. The following few tips that will help you understand how to choose a roof contractor that is reliable and credible. Someone who will help you with the right diagnosis of the problem and get to solve it for you conveniently.

Qualifications- First, do not hire a roof expert who is not licensed. However, just because a expert is licensed does not necessarily mean the expert is a committed professional who will do excellent work. You can tell more about a expert's commitment by seeing if the expert is a member of a trade association and if the expert has taken any continuing education training. If the expert says yes, call the trade association and ask to see certificates of the continuing education.

Liability Insurance- Problem: Your roof expert leaves your roof uncovered after removing your shingles. That night there is an unexpected storm. Water seeps into your home and damages your sheet rock, carpet, and some nice furniture. Your roof expert has liability insurance, but there are exclusions preventing coverage of the interior of your building. You end up paying to fix the damages yourself.

Ask if they have insurance coverage and how much. Just because they have insurance, it might not be very much coverage. Have the expert show you a certificate of insurance. Experts can get a certificate of their insurance that shows coverage dates and policy limits from their insurance carrier. Also, ask if they have workers' compensation coverage. Because property owners can be sued for accidents that occur on their property, it is very important that all experts have workers' compensation insurance.

Ask for a portfolio of photos or reviews from past work and other customers. This is one of the strongest ways to determine whether a roof company is going to deliver the results you seek. Atlanta roof companies that cannot furnish proof of past work or positive reviews and critiques from past clients are not worth working with. You want to work with someone that can prove they are experienced and can produce quality, professional results every time.

Find out how long the expert's warranty on work performed is. A typical period is one year or longer. The length of the warranty doesn't matter so much as whether the expert plans to stand behind the warranty. Good experts often will work beyond a written contract. Keep in mind that the manufacturer provides product warranties and often warranties are only valid if a expert is "certified" to install the product. Be sure to talk to your expert about following manufacturer specifications that are necessary for product warranty.

A general expert is legally able to install a roof without a roof license if they have a general expert license. However, there have been a lot of cases of general experts branching out and installing roofs themselves when they lack the proper training. This causes problems for building owners as well as home owners. It is ideal for a general expert to have a roofing license in addition to their general contractor's license.

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