Thinking About The Pros And Disadvantages Of Instant Tan Spray

By Haywood Hunter

In many parts of the western world, having some color is synonymous with looking healthier. Ironically enough though, laying out and having the UV rays directly hit the skin is extremely bad for ones health and can lead to cancer. So there are some that opt for instant tan spray as to get look and stay healthy. There are many advantages and disadvantages to getting a spray tan done though.

As mentioned before, by going to a salon and getting a tan by standing in a booth, one can avoid the damage that comes from the harsh UV rays when laying out under the direct sun or in a tanning bed. The color is applied evenly as well, unlike the blotches of sun burnt that so often many fall victim too every summer. Because the skin cells are not being damaged, it also keeps skin looking healthy longer rather than the leathery look that appears when one is out in the sun too often and for too long.

It is undeniable that the majority of people love instant gratification, and that is exactly what this is. Simply walk into a salon, stand in a booth for a few minutes, and come out with some color. For those that are heading out on a vacation, attending a special event, or are just feeling a bit to pasty, this can be very useful.

Like so many things in life, there is also a down side. The chemical that is used in the spray is called dihdroxyacetone, DHA. This is only applied to the surface of the skin and has been FDA approved. But be weary. There may still be side effects and reactions. It might be a good idea to check in with the doctor first and see what he or she has to say about this. By getting it in the eyes, on the lips, or accidentally inhaled, there may be reactions.

Because this chemical is only on the surface of the skin though, it sheds off with the dead skin cells making it necessary to get this done every few days if one wants to retain the color. For those that exfoliate on a daily basis, the life span of the color might even be shortened more. Still though, it will last longer than what the tinted lotions do. Depending on if a professional does this or if it is done in a booth, it can be an expensive upkeep and not much of an investment.

Spray tan can unfortunately also stain clothes, hands, hair, bed sheets, and other things it comes in contact with soon after applied. It is best to wait at least twenty-minutes after application before putting on clean clothes, but wash hands right away after getting stained.

It is important to remember though, that this temporary tan does not provide any type of protection from the UV rays. So when going outside, it is still necessary to have some type of sun protection, whether that be sunscreen, sunglasses, a hat, or all three.

Getting instant tan spray may sound appealing for some, and not for others. In many ways it is better than being directly under the sun and getting color that way, but it does hurt the wallet a bit more. Weigh out the options and see which one sounds like the best way to go.

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