ACM: Recognizing Al Micucci For His Work And Effort

By David Kellan

Even though some companies are able to grow beyond what they originally forecast, this wouldn't have been possible without their hard workers. This is why it's important to recognize the efforts of cable seals plant manager, Al Micucci. His efforts cannot go overlooked, as they've been able to help his company grow by leaps and bounds. Read on to learn more about his efforts.

Norman Wenk, the president of American Casting & Manufacturing, can attest to the importance of employees for company success. Without them, products can't be created and sales won't be able to move forward. A large part of this business' success can be attributed to plant manager Al Micucci. Not only has been able to propel ACM to a higher level, but he has done so while working for the company for well over 4 decades.

Micucci started work as a foreman in 1977, supervising and delegating responsibilities among other workers. Given the fact that this requires a sense of leadership, it shouldn't come as a surprise that cable seal company ACM would recognize his talents. What may be surprising, though, is the fact that this company would help him through graduate school so that he would obtain his MBA. Once his degree was earned, Micucci would start with ACM as their plant manager, a role he would carry out ever since.

To say that being a plant manager takes work would be an understatement, especially when you consider the responsibilities associated with this job. It's Micucci's responsibility to oversee employees and the factory from day to day. He must also bring on new workers through a strong hiring process. Furthermore, he must communicate with everyone from the aforementioned employees to the Union. In simplest terms, he works as a point of contact for everyone.

These are just a few of the responsibilities that Micucci accounts for, but the quality of work that he provides is nothing short of remarkable. While it's important to fulfill requirements of the workplace, he takes pride in figuring out how to address problems in unique ways. Not only will this make the workforce more productive, but consumers will be pleased with the products they invest in as well. Micucci's devotion to ACM is easy to see.

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