Key Concepts On Halal Certified Food

By Karen Meyer

Halal, as spelt out in the holy Quran means permissible which covers aspects of life taught by the Islamic culture. Halal certified food and drinks are produced as per the morals and traditions of the Muslim dietary laws, for instance pork products and by products are highly forbidden and unlawful. While pork may be the only cookery not consumed by Muslims, a criteria for non pork items is assessed by their source, the cause of an animal death and the processing of the food. Recognition certification is equally important for any food processor globally and especially in an Islamic dominated nation to make substantial sales.

In general, halal is specifically associated with the dietary laws enshrined in the Islamic doctrines and culture. In Islamic jurisprudence, certain foods as well as drinks are usually regarded to be forbidden, and therefore the term is used to describe those that are regarded to be permissible. Therefore, it is vital to draw a distinction between those that can be allowed in the Islamic jurisprudence, and those that cannot.

A prescribed procedure of slaughtering in all meat sources excluding all types fish and any other sea animal is well detailed or spelt out and the dish should come from renowned supplier that basically adheres to all set practices. To kill an animal actually well sharpened and clean knife is used to generally slit the animal throat and it always should be slaughtered in a specified direction after saying an Islamic prayer, additionally this exercise should mainly be exercised or carried out by a Muslim.

Agri-biotechnology has brought about genetically modified crops. These crops are also sold in the market and some used to process foodstuffs consequently, some of them maybe considered unfit according to the Islamic laws, as they have been impurely grown or processed. However it is very rare for such occurrences but either way companies are also ensuring the certification is made on such foodstuffs to ensure they are legal for the culture.

An animal slaughtered by a non Muslim, either a Christian or a Jew will be only considered accepted if it was slaughtered by slicing the jugular and appreciating by mentioning that the purpose is of permissible consumption and you are thankful to the God blessings.

Muslims, in essence, must also optimally ensure that all edibles or meals alongside other non-food products such as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics are permissible or categorized as Halal. Oftentimes, these items and products usually contain animal by-products as well as other possible ingredients which are not permissible especially for Islamic believers to consume or even use in any way, on their bodies.

Apart from meals, recognized doctrines also permit various other things such as lifestyle, tourism and many others. For example, this lifestyle generally includes finance, traveling, recreation, cosmetics, media, and many others. Therefore, alongside foods and drinks, Halal laws also incorporate other highly requisite activities.

It is also important to consider the certification of these products and meals. Worldwide, this meal certification has received massive criticism especially by anti-halal lobbying groups as well as civil societies. Most critics usually argue that this practice usually results in ramifications such as added costs. Nonetheless, Islamic believers still hold that it is a very noble and legal process, as per their cultures.

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