Vital Characteristics Of The Beauceron Dog Breed

By Barbara Kelly

There is no denying the fact that dogs perform perfectly well as pets. Despite this, not all breeds are safe for a home with children. What you need is a pet that has the right temperament for the safety of your family. One such kennel is the Beauceron dog breed.

Generally, a Beauceron has a big body and is pretty athletic. It has a long held reputation of serving as a working dog owing to the obedient way it takes instructions. Its total body length outdistances its height. A feature that makes it physically outstanding is its lengthy head that is in perfect symmetry with its body outline.

Unlike many species of pet dogs, this one has a skull length that is neither longer nor shorter than its protruding muzzle. Its dark brown eyes are enchanting. Also noticeable are its halfway prickled upward pointing ears.

Temperamentally, Beaucerons are known to be obedient and have an uncanny eagerness to make their masters happy. Moreover, they possess an intelligence level and brevity that is superior to what other breeds have. Due to their obedience, they are very easy to train.

For years, it has been used in law enforcement in many countries owing to these traits. Its fearlessness, watchfulness and loyalty especially make it an asset for dangerous missions. It has been known to save countless lives of police officers in the line of duty as it easily detects danger.

This kennel is highly active and prefers exercising out in the open as well. As such, many pastoral communities have for long used it to herd their animals. On a few occasions, however, a few Beaucerons have attempted to herd humans. Luckily, this is something that can be corrected with some short training. Beaucerons love herding sheep because the activity gives them the opportunity to utilize their pent up energy.

Without regular exercise, a Beauceron is bound to become agitated. Therefore, it is advisable to go for other breeds if you reside in a closed off environment and have no time to exercise your kennel. The kennel will always behave well provided it exercises.

Most kennels have the tendency to behave aggressively when face to face with different breeds. However, Beaucerons are the exact opposite. They keep calm in such situations. Even then, take precaution by keeping it on a leash if faced with this situation.

Another positive quality is their affection for kids, which arguably is an advantage if you are a concerned parent. They view humans as the ultimate authority and can never act aggressively towards kids. They also obey commands from all family members if they get treated well.

Beaucerons grow incredibly fast. It only takes 3 months for puppies to get to 40 pounds. At times, this proves to be overwhelming for children who develop an attachment to small sized pets. In spite of this, they mature slowly. With proper socialization, your puppy should acquire good skills to mingle well with other animals and people.

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