Taking An 8 Hour Drug And Alcohol Course Milford

By Thomas Patterson

Statistics continue to show that more people are becoming addicted to illicit substances each year. As modern life keeps people busy for hours on end each day, many people self-medicate their own anxieties, fears, and worries by drinking or using prescription or controlled substances. With that, the need for qualified therapists and counselors also continues to rise each year. By taking an 8 hour drug and alcohol course Milford students like you could accept a job in either of those capacities.

Your first lessons in the class may involve discovering what types of substances to which people are becoming addicted today. Illegal street narcotics are readily available in many cities today. People who are overwhelmed with everyday life may find nothing wrong with snorting crack or cocaine or smoking methamphetamine to loosen up after a hard day at work or elsewhere.

Doctors continue to prescribe medications with addictive ingredients like codeine in them. People with these prescriptions believe they are legitimately using their medications when in fact they are severely addicted to them. Even though the prescriptions are in their names, these individuals actually are misusing the medications to numb physical pain from prior surgery or other factors.

Teenagers may find it more difficult to get their hands on alcohol or illegal street substances, which is why they increasingly are turning to an activity called huffing. Huffing involves inhaling the fumes from inside a canister of hairspray, spray paint, or another similar product. However, it is dangerous and can cause immediate death.

Your job as a therapist or counselor then would be to point out these dangers and to help people with addictions find their way back to sobriety. Some addicts are so heavily dependent on substances that they cannot see how they can overcome their addictions. They need you to teach them coping mechanisms and also help them realize why they are using.

You also will be in charge of helping people find out what is compelling them to use these substances in the first place. Are they covering up the pain from prior abuse? Did they become addicted by accident after undergoing surgery? You will need to work with each client of yours to uncover the root cause of their addiction.

Your training can take you to facilities throughout your city or state including rehabilitation hospitals, detox facilities, youth detention centers, and halfway houses. At these locations, you will encounter individuals needing assistance in overcoming deadly and dangerous addictions. You may be in charge of guiding people back toward a productive and healthy life. Some of your clients could go on to live happy and successful lives because of your lessons.

Helping people overcome difficult and lengthy drug addictions can be a job you find rewarding. To accept employment in this field, however, you need to be trained to deal with drug addicts and alcoholics. Your lessons might begin by taking a course that lasts as long as eight hours. You will learn the basics of addiction and in what manner you can help clients who will be put in your care.

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