Assessing The Risks With A Lead Based Paint Inspection California Assessors Perform

By Anna Reed

A lot of people love the idea of buying and renovating an older home. The workmanship is often superior to new houses. The original builders would not have had some of the information about potential dangers that contractors are now aware of though. Because of this the lead based paint inspection California assessors conduct can be very important.

Lead is naturally occurring in nature and has its benefits. It can be extremely harmful too. Prior to 1978 paints used in residential houses contained the metal. The federal government banned it for consumer use at that time. There was no remedy required by homeowners to get rid of it, and it can still be found on the walls and window sills of homes built before that date.

One of the reasons the government acted was because children are especially vulnerable to the metal. It is absorbed faster into their little bodies. Their brains and nervous systems are easily affected by the metal. Babies and toddlers are known to put everything into their mouths.

There were cases in which small children were poisoned, some of them dying, from chewing on affected window sills. Peeling and flaking paint will get into clothes, food, and carpet. Breathing the dust is dangerous.

You need to be concerned if you are buying a house built prior to 1978. When you sign the real estate contract there will be a disclosure form giving you the opportunity to have the house inspected and raise any objections before you actually buy the property. If you have children, you don't need to waive the right to have the home inspected.

Before you start renovating you need to hire an inspector and get an assessment. Remodeling will jar paints loose from walls and cause it to flake. Dust particles will be released into the air you are breathing. Before any demolition begins you should have a profession thoroughly inspect the property.

There are differences between risk assessments and inspections. Inspectors go through houses to discover whether the toxic metal is in the house and where it's located. Inspectors must be certified to conduct inspections. This is the person you need to hire before buying an old house. If you have little kids, and plan to rent an apartment in an older building, you might consider hiring an inspector to look it over before signing a lease.

You have a risk assessment when you already know the metal is present in the house and need information as to the location and severity. A risk assessor, like an inspector, must be certified. The assessor can tell you the risks associated with leaving the material and maintaining it as opposed to completely removing it.

If you decide controlling it is the best course of action, you will have to regularly inspect the affected areas for wear, flaking, and dust. Many homeowners with children prefer an abatement, which means removing the contamination completely. Whichever you choose, hiring only certified professionals to conduct assessments and abatement is critical.

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