A Guide To Yearbook Digitization

By Margaret Cole

You might be surprised to learn that digitizing yearbooks is a very common activity today. There are many reasons for this. If you want to learn more about yearbook digitization try checking out some of the tips outlined here.

It is not hard to understand why so many people are interested in finding ways to preserve old yearbooks in digital formats. In fact some publishers are moving to digital approaches of sharing yearbooks. This is an alternative to the heavy weight books from years past.

For example some yearbook photos are created so that they may be sent by e-mail or shared with family and friends online. This helps the publisher because it is less expensive to produce than in book format. Many people are also interested in sharing their old year books this way.

After all part of the fun of a yearbook is being able to relive the memories with your circle of friends. For that reason a lot of people are interested in being able to share the pictures and text via social media and other networks. It is easy to see why the demand for digitizing processes is very strong today.

Certainly the technology required for the job is in use in many other sectors. Many libraries are turning to digital technologies to help them to archive large volumes of material. This can cut way down on the space needed for storing old books. As well, with plenty of back ups in place it is a way of safeguarding information that might be lost otherwise. In very simple terms, the process involves scanning digitally each page of a publication and storing it in computer formats.

There are many different companies which are providing this kind of service around the country. Typically it might require that you send off your yearbook to the company. It will be returned to you after the digitization process occurs. Your yearbook in digital form will be sent to you by e-mail or through a secure server online.

Because the end result is easy and cheap to share via a computer, it allows the companies that provide the service a chance to cater to clients across the country. In fact it is not uncommon for many college and university websites to have archives featuring college newspapers and other publications produced on campus. Because they have been recreated in digital format readers can easily access them.

If you are not able to access the funding for an expensive project, you can find some very simple ways of scanning photos and computer files. For example many personal printers have the capacity to scan. This allows you to scan pages from publications such as yearbooks to convert to digital format. Any time that you are copying or sharing a document, make sure that you have the appropriate legal permissions to do so. For further help on this topic there are numerous blogs and websites online that deal especially with computers. Many include step by step guidance to walk you through the process.

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1 комментарий:

  1. I read yearbook digitization on my blogs but you have given a short but to the point overview on the digitizing process and tips. Thanks for it.
