Observing The Faces Of The Past With Digitized Yearbooks

By Susan Baker

These days just about every previously printed document is being scanned into a digital format. Such technology can make photographs more clear, and details within images can be enlarged for better viewing. Everything from old issues of magazines and periodicals to digitized yearbooks are available for those engaged in various forms of research.

Ancestry enthusiasts are now able to actually put a face to the name of their grandparents, and sometimes great grandparents. Images can be compared to old photographs to positively identify individuals who had, for many decades, been a mysterious figure on a faded photo. For those who were adopted, or lost their family members before they can really remember them, such images can give comfort and grant them some sense of who they are.

These days one might even be able to access copies of diplomas, awards, and even old shipping documents going back into antiquity can help us trace the movements of our ancestors. When one combines their DNA history with the movements of their family, as told by relatives, it truly gives life to the stories. This can also provide researchers with data on the spread of diseases that seem to run in certain families.

Writers find these services to be of great benefit to their profession. An entire genre of novels known as Historical Fiction has cropped up in the past twenty years. In order to ensure historical accuracy, these writers often must obtain documents and photographs going back to the very early explorers setting sail in antiquity to seek their fortunes and claim lands for Queen and Country.

Politicians beware, as old records can be obtained to reveal misdeeds in their past, giving a shadow over their perceived integrity. Anyone with skeletons in their closet who seeks to run for a public office should expect their history to be exposed by independent journalists making a name for themselves. The public has a right to know the real truth about anyone they are expected to vote for.

It is not uncommon for a reporter to do an expose on a candidate that is entirely biased and intended to make that candidate look better than they are. This is where many private citizens conducting research, obtaining documents, and keeping these records for prosperity become heroes. Biased political writing must be exposed in order for citizens to have any real power in the political process.

Anyone who has lost a family member to a crime which remains unsolved are encouraged to pursue digital copies of past investigations. Fresh eyes on an old case can reveal a great deal about a crime, and might even be able to solve it decades later. A murder half a century old can still be solved, and sometimes the guilty party can still be made to pay for their atrocity.

This is an exciting time for all humans, as our past catches up to the present in greater detail than ever before. Even so, a yearbook is more than a collection of photographs, and nothing can replace having the real thing in-hand. Those notes left by classmates in the pages of our history can tell more about a person than any copy ever will.

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