How To Identify Non Toxic Baby Laundry Detergent

By Mary Bell

Parents and guardians are solely responsible for the safety of their children. While they must protect the children physically, they should also ensure that they are not exposed to toxins in cloths and the environment they interact with. Part of this protection includes buying non toxic baby laundry detergent and any other substance that will come into contact with the cloths of their children. How do you recognize these products in the market?

Exercise patience as you search for these products. It takes some time to discover the best washing product for you. Ingredients used are concealed in sweet marketing words. Some ingredients will react with one child and not the other. You need to be diligent in your search for a solution. It is only after trying several products that you can determine which works for you and which one does not.

Understand that detergents meant for children are not necessarily different from those of adults. You should therefore consider what is meant for adults alongside the detergents meant for children. What differentiates these detergents in most cases are names and packaging. In fact, you will find more natural washing substances for adults than children. Test them as well before settling on the final product.

Go beyond the marketing language into the details of these products. There are sweet words used on products including Natural, For Sensitive Skin, Organic as well as Free and Clean, among such nice sounding words. Ignore them and focus on ingredients used in manufacture. The product might have a fancy name yet the ingredients are harmful. Unfortunately, regulators have no way of checking these names and defining them. You will be at the mercy of marketers.

Buy products from companies that are genuine enough to disclose their ingredients. You will need to do a lot of research in order to identify these companies. Read reviews and ask for referrals to get companies that are genuine about the ingredients used. You also need to know what has been approved by health authorities. Further research on masking names used to conceal the ingredients.

Some additives have been known for years to be toxic. You should therefore avoid them when buying detergents. Brighteners and whiteners work by masking stains and yellowing. This increases the possibility of reacting with your skin once they are in contact. Synthetic fragrances are the other culprits to be avoided. Their problem is possession of allergens, hormone disruptors and the harmful neurotoxins, among such other compounds. Synthetic preservatives and chlorine bleach should also be avoided.

There are standards that define the best baby detergents and washing products. The harmful ingredients mentioned above should not be included in their direct or indirect form. The washing products should also solve your stain issues. The best products today are those that are environmentally friendly.

There is no reason for non toxic products to be expensive. Look for alternatives beyond what you consider to be the normal range of products you can use. Learn about toxins and how to identify them when they are disguised. Since each child is unique, know what works for him or her and what will not work. In case of a negative reaction, you should visit a health specialist.

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