Information On IEP California Residents Should Know

By Lisa Stewart

The IEP refers to an individualized education program. It is usually contained in a document that is prepared to meet education needs of children living with disability and enrolled in a public school. As the name suggests, it is prepared with the needs of the individual child in mind such that no one plan is the same as another. If they wish to get IEP California parents need to understand a number of important things beforehand.

One of the most important roles of this document is that it specifies the role of each player involved in the education process of the student. These include teachers, parents and school administrators. All of them are able to work together in coordinated fashion for the good of the student. Without it, the quality of education provided would not be assured.

An IEP is usually created by all the concerned persons coming together. The needs of a special student are looked at closely with the aim of identifying the best way that they can be assisted to achieve their education goals. In the United States, the creation of this document has to conform to the requirements stipulated in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

It is a prerequisite that a child undergoes certification before the process of creating an IEP can take place. The law requires that the state locates such a child and facilitates their evaluation. Parents also have an opportunity to inform the state and request for evaluation of a child suspected to have disability. Schools may also do so but only if they have consent from parents.

The evaluation process is conducted once a request has been put in by the parents. The results of this evaluation are what will determine whether or not the child is eligible for special education. They also guide the kind of education that will be offered. In instances where the parents disagree with the evaluation report, the law provides for a resolution mechanism; such parents may apply for an independent evaluation.

A child that is determined to be disabled and eligible for the program needs to have their IEP written within thirty calendar days. The school will schedule a meeting involving all the players which include experts in special needs education. Parents should be informed of the date and location as well as the identity of all the persons that will be invited.

The IEP will specify the current program of the child and make a comment on how they are performing. This will include results of tests and assignments done by the child. It should have clearly stated annual goals built from short term objectives. The exact from of special education is also stated. This may include supplementary aids required by the child. Other components include transition service needs, ways of participating with able bodied children and so on.

The school administration should make very effort to ensure that the program is adhered to the letter. All the stakeholders should have a copy of this document to use as reference from time to time so as to fully understand their individual responsibilities. It should be emphasized that working together as a team is important if this program is to bear fruits.

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