Indicators That Show You May Need An HIV Support Group NYC

By Linda Wright

Having a disease and living with it is not something friends wish one another. In fact, some people would rather prefer something else happen to their enemies than living with a terminal disease such as AIDS. Because this disease needs an urgent intervention whenever it is noticed, one has to watch out for the signs of the sickness. If any of these signs are noticed, then it important to seek the help of HIV support group NYC.

Fever is one of the early signs to look out for. It is usually a response made by the body when the virus starts attacking body cells. The virus in the bloodstream causes some inflammatory responses which can lead to a sore throat and the swelling of lymph nodes. In most cases, the person also complains of general weakness.

When the virus has succeeded in destroying most of the cells in the patient's body, he begins to feel more tired than ever. His level of concentration diminishes and the strength to do some tedious work reduces. If forced to do some of them, he may end up gasping for breath before staying long.

When you see a person's neck, armpit or groin swollen, it is right to suspect that the person is sick. However, the extent of the swelling varies with the kind of sickness and can be so much when HIV is responsible since the body has to recruit several white blood cells in an attempt to fight the virus. Without drugs, this may prove abortive so HIV support groups try to provide these drugs free of charge to those who know their status.

The presence of rash on the skin could also be another sign. It is true that rashes can occur just as a result of heat but some are more than that. People with rashes on their skin have to visit a nearby hospital to have them inspected as it could be more than what it looks like. There would be more reasons to suspect the worse if the rashes look like boils with a pink color.

The virus can subdue a person's immune system in a short time. If this happens, there will be other symptoms that may be more difficult to treat. They include pneumonia, tuberculosis and oral vagina candidiasis in women. If treating these conditions prove abortive, the sufferer should be encouraged to go for a test to know if he has gotten the HIV virus or not. The skin, eyes, kidneys and digestive tract are other areas where more advanced symptoms can be found.

Menstruation is also going to be affected a great deal when HIV attacks. The pain that comes before the flow can be more severe. Sometimes, there will be no flow at all and at other times, the female may experience heavy or light periods.

Even the later stage symptoms can develop into more grievous ones if they are not treated on time. Issues such as diarrhea, short-term memory, mental confusion, as well as coma are among the things no HIV carrier would like to experience. It is therefore important to act early and meet those support groups that are willing to help people living with HIV and AIDS.

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