Tips For Utility Locating Sydney

By Frank Graham

Utility locating is essential to any property owner who intends to dig up his or her property. Such considerations reduce the risk of interfering with utility lines which can be fatal or end up affecting the connection within a given neighbourhood. Failing to consider this aspect can lead to fines due to damages that you might cause. Below are some factors to consider in utility locating Sydney.

Consider the plans for your project. You need to fully understand your project if you want this process to turn out successful. Therefore, get information about your street location and determine the depth you intend to reach while digging. Some companies expect their clients to mark their place with a painting that indicates the boundaries within site.

Reach out to the one-call service. The one call service is a service provider that provides necessary information about the pipe layout within your target location. They offer a toll-free service at any given duration. They can also reach out to a reliable locating company on your behalf. They might fail to provide information about lines such as the sanitary sewers, connections between buildings and gas lines used to heat a swimming pool.

Consider the type of soil within your target site. The kind of soil in a particular place can significantly affect the result of your radar recordings. Soils such as clay have high conductivity making it impossible for radar penetration. The locator has to use special techniques to counter such limitations and get the actual information at the same time.

Consider the weather conditions. The level of moisture raises the level of conductivity of the ground. Such situations are common with silt, deep-lying snow and clay soils. The radar bounces back once it touches the moisture held in the ground making it hard to record any reading past that level. For that reason, refrain from locating the utilities during the winter season since you will not get actual results.

Check the materials used to manufacture the conduit pipes. The level of conductivity is also affected by the material used to make the utility connections. Non-conductors such as plastics cannot allow penetration of radar frequencies unless they have water or air inside them. Locators usually use fisher tapes in such situations. Wire mesh that is common in slabs can also affect the level of conductivity of a particular object.

The level of radar frequency. The locator should determine the best frequency to use according to the depth of the target place. Higher frequencies have low radar which is ideal for shallow sites. Devices with lower frequencies have a broader frequency level which is perfect for larger pipes. Therefore, you should consider antennas with low frequency since some utilities might be as deep as eight feet deep.

Check your color coding. Every type of utility pipe has a particular color code. It is vital to acknowledge the colors early to avoid using the wrong colors for particular piping. Confirm whether the colors are at the right location and in a precise position. Such considerations are ideal for easier identification of the pipes.

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