Will The Mini Facelift Houston Cosmetic Surgeons Perform Meet Your Cosmetic Goals?

By Virginia Robinson

The fountain of youth is something everyone seems to be in search of today. Those for whom it is economically viable, and who are willing, have plenty of options to make themselves appear younger than they actually are. If you are considering some type of cosmetic surgery, you might think about the type of mini facelift Houston cosmetic surgeons are routinely performing. It has a lot of advantages, as well as disadvantages, over options that are more invasive.

If you're a busy person with a job and social commitments the difference in the recovery time for a mini-lift and a traditional full-lift is going to be important to you. Full lifts take between four and five weeks to recover. Minis, on the other hand, only take three to five days. This is the reason some refer to them as weekend lifts. You can get the procedure done on Friday and be ready to go back to work on Monday. The stitches for both kinds of lifts are removed after about a week.

The discomfort associated with the two procedures is important to pain sensitive people. Minis work better for many of them because they aren't as invasive or painful. There will be bruising and some swelling with partial lifts, but much less than that associated with the traditional lifts. Bruising diminishes over a period of several weeks.

What is called twilight anesthesia and local anesthetics are usually used for partial lifts. This reduces the chances the patient will experience the unpleasant side effects common with general anesthesia like vomiting and nausea. Because partial lifts are simpler procedures, they are less expensive than traditional lifts. The surgeon's fees as well as the fees for the use of the facility are reduced.

If you choose to have a partial lift, you need to understand that the effects are not as long lasting as traditional lifts. Patients who take care of themselves can expect their minis to last from 2 1/2 to 12 years. Full lifts normally last a decade or more.

It's important that your expectations be realistic when you opt for a partial lift. This kind of procedure works best for those who want to reduce signs associated with moderate aging. Early middle age is the optimal time to have this kind of surgery. The results from partial lifts are less dramatic than those from traditional lifts.

It is common for sagging and wrinkled necks to concern people as they age. If this is a concern of yours, you need to consider which type of surgery will most benefit you. Partials lifts don't solve these kinds of problems. This is something surgeons address with full lifts. Along the same lines deep wrinkles and eye bags, and sagging jowls are not issues mini-lifts can eliminate.

Before committing to any kind of cosmetic surgery, you need to sit down and analyze your goals for your appearance. You have to consider your financial situation. Lastly, your expectations have to be realistic, and you have to respect the limitations of cosmetic surgery.

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