7 Things You Should Understand About Coaching For Millennials

By Dennis Reed

People always like being around people that understand them and what they are going through. Therefore if you are a coach or mentor, it is wise to take time and understand what the person you want to coach is going through. This will help you to connect with the person and be in a better position to help him/her. There are so many things that a coach should learn especially where people are involved. These will help him/her become a successful coach. Below are several things you should know about Coaching for Millennials.

To begin with, being authentic and empathetic is very important. Do not pretend to be another person than who you are. It is easier to connect with people when you are not pretending. More so, people will find it easy to relate with you as you will be in a better position to understand their daily struggles. Thus, always be honest and understanding.

Additionally, do not think that you know better than the people you are coaching. Some of these people may be knowledgeable than you. Gone are the days when young people would obey their elders. This is a different generation where these people can find better means to acquire the information they need. Therefore, be upfront with these people from the first day you meet them. This will help you reach them better and easier.

The third thing you should know about coaching millennials is that you ought to know when to use praise. For the young players coming out of high school, people tend to tell them that they are so good at what they do. This should not be the case. It is better to let these young people earn their way.

Additionally, these people have developed a character where they cannot be patient. They, therefore, want everything to happen the way they want at the time they want. Getting what you want right away may be possible, but this cannot be the case always. Thus, as their mentor, teach them the importance of being patient. Show them that the best things come to those who wait. By so doing, you will help them to become more patient.

Moreover, this generation is addicted to technology, and it finds it more comfortable. Nevertheless, it is not practical to develop people skills on the web. To have better person-to-person skills, these people need to relate with people one on one. More so, they need to learn how to communicate directly with people so that they can have better people skills.

Coaches should always encourage this young generation to be diversified. Even though this may be hard because they like being focused on one thing, show them that diversification is important. This is because they will have more things to chase in life.

More so, strive to create a good and real relationship with these people. Create a good connection with them so that you can have a healthy relationship. Understand that they are not different and they want things that other people want like a good family and a good job.

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