How Living With Hepatitis C Is Like

By William Young

There are some illnesses that generally do not go away that easily and simply need to be managed over time so that one does not get bothered by the symptoms, which is sometimes the case for the condition known as hepatitis C. While living with hepatitis C may damage the liver in the long run, there are ways to manage it and at times even cure it. For those who have it, here are a few things to know about dealing with it.

Before going to the tips on how to cope with the disease, one must first understand more about it. Just to give a background, it is extremely common among baby boomers more than other generations although it is seen to affect the younger generations as well. This disease, also coined HCV, also does not usually show symptoms until one gets older which is why many do not know they have it.

Now, another thing to take note of is that it is highly contagious and can be passed through used medical tools, hygiene tools, or by blood transfusion. The first type one may get is the acute variant which can be cured easily after around six months of medication. The other type is the chronic type which stays there for years and may even lead to some risks like liver cancer.

For those who already tested positive for the virus, it is important to start treatment immediately. The only tricky part of identifying the disease would be knowing what train it is as there are many strains of the virus. So far, the most prevalent one is the type one followed by the type four but other types can be quite prevalent as well.

Medicines are usually administered in this early stage because the HCV could still be acute. One of the best medicines to give is Elbasvir. This is a pill one takes once a day if he or she has type one or type four HCV. There are other medicines as well such as Glecaprevir and Ledipasvir.

If the disease has already reached its chronic stage though, then there might be a bit of trouble curing it, although still possible. From here on though, one will need to undergo a complete lifestyle change in order to cope with the disease. It is possible that one will have the disease for life but without the symptoms.

One will be working very closely with his or her doctor in monitoring the liver, making sure that the complications do not arise. While doing that, one will now have to eat a healthier diet of more fruits, more vegetables, and more lean meat. Also, one may have to completely stop taking alcohol and cigarettes for the time being.

While all of this is happening, one should also take some management medicines prescribed by the doctor. Along with that, some liver aiding supplements will also help in ensuring that the liver stays healthy. If one has HCV, all of these things must be done. As long as one is diligent with the medicines and the lifestyle change, everything should be fine.

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