Fallacies About Washington DC Low Income Housing

By Kimberly Gibson

The federal government has made a lot of effort in ensuring that its citizens get a roof over their head. Therefore, there are a lot of affordable residence projects cropping up in most states. Such projects have significantly enabled many people to get shelter for their families. However, there are several misconceptions surrounding this type of housing. Here are a few misconceptions about Washington DC low income housing to think through.

The idea that these properties bring along increased crimes. Since most people living in these places are low-income earners, do not guarantee that they have chances of engaging in crime. There are multiple efforts considered by these people to do away with crime in such neighborhoods. Besides, every parent would strive to create a crime-free environment to raise his or her kids.

Low - income properties tend to lower the value of properties within their location. The fact that these sort of projects attract a lot of low-income people does not mean it will end up lowering property value. Wise investors would see the need for setting up public amenities. So, there are chances of a drastic increase in property value within a brief period.

Affordable neighborhoods are bad places. Most of the lands that the government tends to set up this sort of properties are in prime locations. This is to provide access to various services that they offer, attract investors and attract renters as well. So, you would find these sorts of residences to be habitable due to the level of convenience they provide in terms of transportation and services.

Affordable houses are the last resort to many people. This is one of the most confusing concepts that most people hold. They think that these residences work as the last places where people would settle in before they move to their homes due to affordability. The chances are that this sort of houses have a lot of admirers since they leave enough capital to cater to other personal needs after paying rent.

The projects target people with color. Records indicate that there are many African Americans residing in this sort of neighborhood. Even so, you will find other races living within them with peaceful coexistence. The bottom line is. The government does not limit the projects to people with color but are open to anyone. However, it is by coincidence that African Americans tend to fall in the gap of people with low income.

The projects are a burden to taxpayers. Living in an affordable neighborhood does not exempt the renters from paying tax. The only thing that changes is getting shelter at a more flexible way depending on their income. To add on that, renters have precise payment methods which ensure that they undergo taxation similar to others.

The houses provide poor services. It does not make any sense when you think that the government would risk taxpayers money into building homes that are below standards. The government usually put a lot of effort into ensuring that they meet competitive standards despite their low construction costs.

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