For Water Well Services Hill Country Is Worth Visiting

By Edward Peterson

Water well refers to a shaft, hole, or an excavation into the ground that is used to extract groundwater from the subsurface. After the excavation has been done, pumps or other means are needed to extract the groundwater in most cases. However, in other cases, the groundwater may flow out to the surface naturally without the need of a pump. When in need of Water Well Services Hill Country should be visited.

Wells from which groundwater flows naturally without any artificial intervention are referred to as flowing artesian wells. In most cases, wells are drilled vertically into the ground, but that is not true in all cases. There are cases where wells are drilled horizontally or at an angle in order to access groundwater. Horizontal wells are commonly drilled for use in bank filtration.

Horizontal well drilling is quite common and has been exercised over the years. As a matter of fact, the most ancient wells are horizontal in nature. These wells are called Qanats and are situated in what is modern-day Iran. They were dug by human hands in the ancient Empire of Persia. The wells provided water that was used for municipal, agricultural, and domestic use in the empire.

Apart from being used for water supply, there are other purposes as to why wells are drilled. Extraction of oil and gas is one of the other purpose served by wells. There are wells, known as monitoring wells, which are dug for the purposes of monitoring quality and levels of groundwater. Waste disposal, investigation of subsurface conditions, artificial recharge and shallow drainage are among the other reasons wells are dug.

The process of drilling wells usually starts with the determination of the most suitable spot to locate the hole. The location of the well is in large part influenced by the purpose that the well is supposed to serve. When the well is meant to supply water for drinking and other domestic use, the two mostly considered factors are long-term groundwater supply and quality of the water.

The process of determining the most ideal spot to drill the hole has to be done by an experienced driller or a professional consultant. The criteria to be employed to assess the quality of groundwater meant for drinking are similar to the ones enforced by state and the local governments. In the case that the wells are to be used to supply water for agriculture, sodium-adsorption rate, boron availability, and salinity have to be considered.

In case the hole is meant to supply waters to the municipal, besides checking the quality, the amount of water available is also important. The well must be able to meet the pumping rate requirements of the municipal. In most cases, pumping rate requirements usually range between 500 and 4000 gallons per minute. Individual homes usually have very small requirements, which can be satisfied by pumping rate requirements as low as 1 to 5 gallons per minute.

Experience and prior knowledge are important factors drillers rely on to determine if the quality and amount of water in a given well will be enough. Drillers usually study reports provided by drillers who have drilled wells in the same area. If all wells around have good quality of water in sufficient amounts, then it can be concluded that future wells will good too.

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