Scary Facts About Bed Bugs

By Brenda Murray

Most pests are generally irritating, harmful, and can affect your home, comfort, and daily life. While most of them are similar in terms of physical features and degrees of annoyances, one particular insect requires expert handling. In fact, here are some facts about bed bugs and why one should immediately contact a bed bug exterminator Toronto.

The first is they can create an unnoticeable allergic reaction. Bed bugs are tiny parasites that feed off on the blood of humans and animals while the latter are sleeping or resting. Unlike other insects that have noticeable bites, these creatures have a special type of saliva that works as an anesthetic, making the feeding process virtually painless.

Another is they can live in any place at any time. Unlike other pests that come at certain times of a year, bed bugs can survive in any place even at extreme weather conditions. Some common places you may find these creatures include your mattress, furniture, walls, laundry facilities, and the cushioned seats in movie theaters.

Next reason is they are extremely adaptable. Much like their ability to live anywhere, these insects can also live at temperatures that can range from one hundred and twenty degrees Fahrenheit while also being able to survive months without food. With these features in mind, they can easily bide their time and lay their eggs in small crevices around your home.

Next is they are masters of survival. Aside from living in various areas at different temperatures, these insects are able to live for a few days without feeding. This gives them ample time to infest the house like laying more eggs, breed with other bugs, and leave fecal matters anywhere and everywhere.

All of these features make these bugs incredibly hard to get rid of. Not only do homeowners report them until it is too late, but most of them are not even aware of their presence most of the time. This not only gives the pests enough time to continue breeding but can overall make it harder and more difficult for them to go away.

With these facts in mind, it is clear to see why DIY measures are not enough. Regardless of how much bug spray you invest in, each house needs an expert to look at every nook and crevice from head to toe. This can not only be tedious but can also be dangerous as you can potentially damage the structure of your home.

For bite treatment, homeowners should visit a qualified doctor immediately to recommend the right medication. Additionally, they should also contact an expert pest control agency to find the source of said bed bug problem and help get rid of them once and for all. Since these pesky bugs are generally adaptable, people should strictly contact the experts since DIY measures may not be enough to push back the infestation. Once your house is cleared from all damages, learn to adopt healthy habits by regularly sweeping and dusting your home to prevent future outbreaks.

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