Things You May Need To Know About Medicaid Suboxone Treatment Madison CT

By Frank Wood

If you or any person close to you is an addict, it is of paramount importance that you get help. Addictions to opioids or heroin can be a serious issue which can hurt both you and the people that you love. Even though this is true, it is very difficult and expensive to get the treatment that is appropriate for such conditions. The good news is that through the assistance of medicaid suboxone treatment Madison CT, the help that is severely required is made available.

The treatment involves using the combination of medication and therapy. It is then used together with certain modalities to help with opiate addiction. One should seek a certified Suboxone expert to know whether they are legible for the medical-assisted treatment. Some doctors do not take time to learn and understand how the entire process works, which makes them mislead their patients. The medication has been proven to be successful again and again.

Suboxone taken during the medication-assisted therapy is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone. Its main aim is to help reduce the withdrawal symptoms experienced by the patients. Buprenorphine, as much as it does not act as an opioid, it is one due to its similar characteristics with substances that are of the same nature. The result is that patients are cured of withdrawal symptoms and cravings. On the other hand, naloxone acts as an opiate blocker helping to reduce the effects of an opioid.

A lot of misconceptions surrounds medication-assisted therapy. A huge reason why a lot of rehabilitation clinics will fail to offer opiate addicts this drug is because they are unsure of how safe the medication is. There is also the belief that it is just replacing one drug with another, which is another reason for them shying away from using this drug. These misconceptions have led to a lot of rehab clinics failing to use this drug that is lifesaving.

People are often not sure why opiate addiction is complex. Brain receptors are affected by opiates. This causes them to become so addictive. They align themselves with the opiate receptors causing them to send a message to the brain to prevent the patient from feeling any pain. This makes the person remain peaceful. It also sends signals to the brain, which releases good feelings. People then continue using so that they can always recreate and experience the same pleasure. Counseling can be less effective in helping patients with opiate addiction due to the nature of how it affects the brain.

A prime reason behind substance abuse by most people is due to fear. Many users fear that their withdrawal symptoms will be painful and many other complications that may come along. By using the controlled substance, such fears of withdrawal symptoms can be either eliminated or minimized. This goes a long way in facilitating long term recovery for people suffering from substance abuse.

As much as the effectiveness of this drug has been proven over and over, using it by itself can end up being insufficient. Therapy is a very recommended supplement. Therapy helps with getting over the breakdowns and the memories of the emotions involved.

Doctors have supported the medical-assisted treatment to provide a solution for patients suffering from opiate addiction. People have also opted to go for opiate pain killers. This has been of much help to addicted patients. The medical-assisted treatment has proven to be successful due to its increased benefits.

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