Know How To Make Money With A Blog And Be A Success

By Jerry Evans

There are so many people who are busy making a lot of money blogging as a profession. Many of these folks have left their day time jobs and are now freelancing. There are many advantages to this. It means you can from wherever you are. However, not everyone is successful. It means that you really have to plan ahead so that you know how to make money with a blog.

People are often successful with a blog which doesn't make money. They will write about something specific, but as soon as they begin to advertise on their website, they start to see that there are less visitors appearing from one day to the next. This is what one has to be careful. It can be impersonal when you put adverts on the website. One should realize that the reader comes work.

This is why you need to do a lot of planning. You may need to spend some money on the appearance of your blog. You also need to pay attention to the marketing so people will be drawn to the posts. However, it is different for everyone. Some people will need to market themselves on Youtube, while other people will be better off on Instagram. This will depend on the type of blog you have.

Some people write about travel. They will have a lot of photos on travel and, therefore they will need to distribute these on a platform like Instagram. Something like Twitter won't be good enough because it is not visual enough. On the other hand, there are people who have a blog about their law practice, and they obviously won't want to use visual images. Twitter would be better in a case like this. Videos will also work well.

Over time, you will find that more people are attracted to your website depending on the work that you put into it. Some people add a forum which has sponsored adverts. There may be some youtube adverts which is another way of making money. A lot of people have success with all kinds of adverts on their blog. However, it is not something that you want to do something from the beginning.

Other people can also advertise on your blog. But this may only come at a later date when you are more established. The amount of money you receive will depend on the reputation on the website. This means the amount of people visiting on a daily basis. Obviously, advertisers don't want to advertise on a blog that doesn't get a lot of views.

There are people who create blogs and within a short space of time will sell them. This is called flipping websites. You obviously have to know what you are doing, because it takes time to set up a website, to write a couple of posts and to know how to sell it at the right price. There are auction sites where people sell their websites, and they do this on a full time basis.

Most people will struggle to get to that point where they are able to get to the top of the rankings in Google. Part of this is because of the age of the domain. When you buy a brand new domain, it takes more time to get a good reputation. An old domain, however, will take off better. It costs more, but it can be worthwhile.

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