The A-Z Guide To Preparing For A Colonoscopy Conway Process

By Linda Lewis

Having a good and trouble-free colonoscopy procedure is relatively easy. The procedure is requested by doctors to investigate abdominal, rectal and bowel problems. It is a very straightforward process that involves the insertion of a tubular instrument into the colon that helps the doctor have a better view of the wall lining of the colon and rectum. Find out the basic rules you should follow to make your colonoscopy Conway experience a smooth one.

You should tell your doctor about any significant medical conditions you are having before a colonoscopy. These include respiratory, cardiac, and hormonal issues. These conditions could change how the procedure is handled especially about the prescriptions you receive. The doctor will suggest some changes to your food and drink intake a day before the procedure is carried out.

Get ready to take some laxatives on the morning of the procedure or the previous night. This will clean up the colon and surrounding areas and make it easier for medical observation to be done. You will also be asked to avoid consuming virtually all foods. There will be a few items that you can consume, and your doctor will let you know which. You might also be asked to have an enema intake to clean your system further. Make sure this stays in your body for five minutes or more.

An often forgotten consideration is that of transport. You must make arrangements for getting back home from the hospital. You are advised to avoid driving after the colonoscopy since the effects of the sedative used in the procedure are still quite strong. Plan to have a cab pick you from the hospital or have a colleague drive you home. The sedation goes away after a few hours.

Colonoscopies take less than an hour when carried out by a qualified physician. The procedure starts with the administration of a sedative. This will start making you feel relaxed and dozy when it takes effect. The doctor will then prepare the main medical device for the procedure which is a colonoscope. This is an elastic and cylindrical medical appliance that be easily moved through the colon allowing for easy examination.

While the procedure is ongoing, the expert will transmit an image of your colon so that the doctor can scrutinize it for any abnormalities. This is often done while the patient lies on their left side. The device blows air so that the walls of the colon are more visible after expansion. While this happens, you may experience some minor cramps. The tube is quite flexible and will easily move past along the curves of the intestines with ease.

If you experience some contractions during or after the procedure, take gradual deep breaths, and the spasms will go away. The doctor will then complete the procedure by doing a brief examination of the bowel lining. Once all this is complete, you will be kept under medical observation for a few minutes and then cleared for discharge from the hospital. You may experience some minor side effects such as bowel changes, contractions and passing gas.

You will be able to resume normal day to day activities including diet almost immediately. However, you should be very keen to follow all the instructions given at discharge. Let your doctor know if any problems occur after the procedure.

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