How Dental Composite Brushes Help In Renewing Your Teeth

By Ann Anderson

Nobody would like to have discolored teeth but for one reason or another, some avoidable and some unavoidable, people end up with discolored teeth. Doctors have various tools like dental composite brushes that aid in reversing certain things like discolored teeth. Some people wonder how they ended up with discolored teeth even after keen observation of their oral hygiene. To better understand, the following might serve you good.

There are three known types of tooth discoloration. The first one is extrinsic discoloration. This type of discoloration mainly affects the outer part of the tooth otherwise known as the enamel. The main culprits of this type of discoloration are things like cola, coffee, wine and others. This can easily be avoided by ensuring that proper oral hygiene is observed when one eats or drinks such foods or drinks.

Then there is the opposite of extrinsic which is intrinsic. When one is suffering from intrinsic discoloration, the dentin in this case is affected. There are various causes that lead to dentin discoloration and most of them affect one during their early years. Using too much fluoride when young, trauma on the teeth, intake of tetracycline antibiotics by the child or the mum when pregnant with the child or when is born with a certain dentin genesis condition. When the dentin is discolored, it will show through the enamel.

Just like other health conditions, dental discoloration may also be caused by age. As you get old, intrinsic and extrinsic discoloration affects you. Aging causes thinning of the enamel which in turns shows off the dentin. Prolonged intake over the years of foods that discolor teeth affects ones teeth color.

Unlike other hidden symptoms, discoloration is very pen and notable. If you have yellow, brown or white streaks or spots, then you definitely have tooth discoloration. Your dentist will not have to carry out any tests as all is required is taking a look at your teeth. The dentist will then recommend the best treatment that will effectively see your teeth white again.

The first that your dentist will advise if you should undergo is the in-office bleaching. This treatment only takes close to an hour for you to see your desired results. The paste which contains bleach is applied on the affected teeth and in a while, you will walk out of that office a happy person as your teeth will be whiter.

Alternatively, you can go buy whitening products over the counter or ask your dentist to give you a bleaching gel which works together with a mouth guard. You will be required to put the gel in the mouth guard then sleep with it overnight. Though the two do not have fast result as the dentists bleaching, you will with time start noticing positive results.

Taking care of your teeth is one sure way of ensuring that you do not go through all the hustles of having to have the whitened again. This especially applies to cases where tooth discoloration can be avoided. This includes brushing your teeth as and when required. If you cannot avoid foods that discolor your teeth, make sure you brush or floss after their consumption.

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