Why It Is So Important To Register My Dog

By Harold Clark

Gone are the days of having a pet and giving them complete freedom. Nowadays we have to have insurance for them, clean up after them and be completely responsible for them. That is why I register my dog and do everything I can to ensure I am protected and he is, so that if anything happens we are in the bes position we can be to deal with it.

Anyone who has had a dog knows that every single dog in the world is different, just like humans are. And just like humans, an animal's personality is largely dependant on how they are treated. There are some violent dog breeds who can actually be very sweet and gentle if they are treated right and there are some gentle breeds who can be taught to be violent and aggressive.

Rescue dogs can be aggressive or react badly to certain people, such as children or even genders. When you consider what they have been through this is no surprise. However, their behavior can be changed over time if they are treated well. In a calm home with a set routine, any dog can change and become a loving and supportive companion.

One of the best ways to make a pet feel secure and comfortable at home is to give them a clear schedule. Animals like routine and especially for nervous animals, once they understand what is happening at all times they will relax and become much more loving. Feed them at the same times each day, walk them at the same times and let them get to know your routine.

Some people believe that old dogs can't learn new things and change their behavior. However, this isn't true. Animals, just like humans, are constantly learning and reacting to their environment around them. Give them the right circumstances and enough love and encouragement and they can certainly learn new tricks and new behavior.

A good way to really get to know a rescue dog before you commit to adopting them, is to volunteer at the rescue center. This allows you to spend time with them and you will be able to recognise if you are well suited to each other and if you have that special connection that is essential between a human and a dog.

An alternative to adoption is fostering. This is ideal if you have the right home circumstances for caring for a rescue animal but not the time commitment. Fostering can be for a few weeks or a few months and it all depends on the needs of the specific animal. Sometimes they need a calmer home than the rescue center can offer so fostering is the only option for them until they find a permanent home.

Before committing to a dog, do the calculations to ensure that you can afford to have one, even if the worst happens. There is a lot to pay for and even if you have insurance, many vets will ask you to pay for the vet bill up front and then the insurance will reimburse you. If you are tempted by a luxury breed, visit a rescue center first. You might be surprised by what you find and you might save a dog from euthanasia.

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