Introducing A New Self Learning Personal Adventure

By Roger Parker

A new game is coming to the market which will involve the post office. While a Self Learning Personal Adventure game, the game is already grabbing the attention of board game lovers across the world. For, the game consist of post cards which include a mini-adventure on one side and location on the other.

The idea originated while two gamers were chatting with others over various and sundry topics related to gaming. One suggested it might be fun for gamers in different areas to send out personal post cards with mini-adventures on he back. Then, once having developed the first set of post cards, the two began creating what will soon be known as Adventure Post.

The game is a series of mini-adventures which are played out over the course of twelve weeks. In the first week, individuals will focus on Character Creation, then in weeks following, a small portion of the overall game will eventually lead to a conclusion. If interested, individuals can begin by discussing the game on Facebook, just search for Adventure Post, click follow, then begin chatting.

In the weeks to follow, the individuals will be given a new and different adventure associated with the ongoing 12 week challenge. The first challenge, committing a crime against community. In this case, individuals must accept a sentence which will require the individual complete a number of physical and mental challenges. The creators are hopeful that by doing so, individuals will learn the importance of being true to oneself and others.

During the twelve weeks of play, individuals will face a number of moral dilemmas and 8 virtuous questions which will take careful thought out answers. After having answered the questions, individuals will fight a foe based on those answers. Then, at the end of the game, the character and foe will participate in a one on one session of combat. Then, individuals successful in defeating the foe will receive a mantle which had been lost earlier in game play.

The board game can also be found online at the Board Game Geek website at www boardgamegeek dot com slash boardgame slash 26851 slash adventure-post-path-self-learning. The inventors and designers of the game know new games and can often be a challenge. As this is the case, the game builders have developed a short holiday version of the game in order to show people what to expect.

In the holiday version, the creators used an old school dungeon map which had been revised. Whereas, the official maps for the game will be illustrated by artists at Dark Realm Maps. As a result, the official version of the game will not have any copyright violations which could be the case in using the old map.

As part of the overall game experience, the developers have also created an initial Welcome package version of the game. The package includes all the materials necessary for beginning game play. Then, as the GoFundMe amounts rise, other aspects of the game will be released in the future.

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