Challenges Facing Rwanda Education System

By Scott Meyer

Some essential factors determine development in a country. One of the critical elements that trigger growth in a nation is education. If the schooling system is taken with also seriousness, it becomes quite more comfortable to realize the development. Rwanda is a country in Africa, and then there are some challenges facing education system in this nation. The following are some that are facing Rwanda Education System.

One of the main challenges facing this curriculum is low completion rate at the primary level. It is because there is a high rate of repeater and dropout. Therefore, those following results in low transition rate to the secondary level. This is a significant challenging because that will affect their economy. Seemingly any nation desires to have its citizen educated. This is because it is only through education that they can be able eradicating poverty.

The professional development in Rwanda is poor. There are no changes taking place in instruction sector. For instance, the teacher is not given new training to accommodate changes. It explains why they are using the same old approach to teach children in a new generation. They are supposed to be given refresher training to help the kids. They should avoid as much as possible to prevent these outdated ways of offering instruction.

For proper education to take place, there must be enough money. Funding is very crucial in the instructive sector. Over the recent past, the government has poorly funded the industry. It would be difficult for them to realize development if funding is not appropriate. Lack of sufficient funds is another challenge facing this schooling sector. Money controls everything the economic sector.

Additionally, the country is facing a problem qualified staff in a tutoring sector. There are very few teachers who are trained especially in the science and technology sector. As we all know, science is a critical subject in any nation. This is because it helps the government to get intellectuals who can facilitate innovations. Innovations cannot be possible if there is no science and technology.

In the East African community, most countries use English as means of communication. The language is also used to conduct trade. For the nation to fit efficiently in this economic block, the country had to switch from French to English. Nevertheless, changing from French to English has not been easy. The process is facing so many challenges although they are coming with practical methods to overcome the shortcomings.

Children with disabilities need to be given extra care because their situation is different. Several measures need to be put in place to ensure that the kids are enjoying their learning just like other children. However, in this nation, there are not enough facilities to take care of the children with disabilities. Their teaching becomes difficult because of the challenges coming their way.

In conclusion, the country lacks adequate facilities to measure the progress of the schooling. Regulating the development of knowledge is vital because the government will know areas that need improvements. They also identify places that are moving on efficiently. Thus it is a wise thing for the government to ensure that they are adopting effective methods to scrutinize the progress in tutoring.

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