Tips On How To Hire The Best Corporate Magician Orlando

By Harold West

You have just been given the responsibility of organizing your company's upcoming trade show near Manchester. The future of your job lies on how this party turns out, but you're out of ideas on how to make this show into a great hit. The following article will take us through the theme Tips on how to hire the best Corporate Magician Orlando.

A good performer is an entertainer first and a performer second. They are not just tricksters. Decide what kind of performer you are looking for. Where is the event? If you are in a small banquet room, a large illusion with tigers and large birds will not work. On the other hand, if it is a large room a conjurer who primarily does close up work with cards and coins will not work either?

You need a conjurer who can play to the entire house and can fit into your room comfortably. Who is your audience? Some performers perform exclusively for children. That is a very demanding job, and they do it well. Others have shown that are aimed primarily at young adults these tend to be a little edgier. Others are performers I would categorize as a generalist.

They have shown that play to a wide audience and can be sized up or down depending on the situation. No type of entertainer is better than the other they each plays a roll. But for business entertainment, you are probably going to do better with a generalist. Check out their promotional packet. A profession performer like most other solo acts has a promo packet.

It contains one or more photos, a biography, a list of credentials including places he or she has performed, a list of clients he or she has successfully entertained, reviews of their act and testimonials from past clients. These days much of this can be found on their web page. This makes them easy to find simply do a web search for "juggler Austin" or the city you are in.

Be sure and review the demo reel. This is a short video that spotlights what the juggler can do. Watch not just the juggler for the audience as well. Are they having a good time? Would you have a good time if you were there? Validate credentials. If you are putting on an event for your company, you do not want someone who is just starting out.

If the performer caters mainly to corporate events, this may not be easy since these are private functions. Another alternative would be to ask them for a video of their performance. All, if not the majority of professional jugglers have promotional kits which include brochures, photos and videos of their performances.

A poor illusionist will cause you to dread every painful minute. So do yourself a favor and spend the money to get a professional. This may cost a little extra, but you will not regret it. You want entertainment not simply someone who knows a few tricks. There is an old saying, "The quality will be remembered long after the price is forgotten!"

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