Different Scenarios In A Coward Baptist Church

By Anthony Parker

If you want to belong to this Church, then there are some things which you have to do. Remember that this is a complete surrender of everything you have known in your past religion. It would be like having a clean slate and believing in what shall be taught to you at this point.

You are still going to follow everything in the Bible. Coward Baptist Church is big on doctrines. So, be ready to follow the footsteps of Jesus. It may be a tough road to take and full of ridicule from other people but this is what it takes to be a Christian. So, simply make some wise choices in life.

Being an active Church participant is not that difficult. Just put your whole heart into your service and you will not notice time passing you by. This is what happens when your religion becomes your whole being and nobody needs to tell you to become more like Christ in every day.

You shall have a last supper and a different kind of baptism will be present as well. What is essential is that you stop being skeptical with the process in here. In that situation, time will eventually bring you into the fold. Ignore your detractors. They are simply bored with their lives and it is why they are meddling with yours.

You must make time for your prayer sessions. Be alone in your room and manage to do this every day. You need to start listening to what the good Lord wants you to do. Remember that He will always be your best friend and you ought to lay it all out there and share your talents and treasures in the best way possible.

You must be certain that you will say yes to the call of a missionary. In that scenario, you can be welcoming a fulfilling adventure in your existence. Besides, you will have the support of the whole community in your back. So, go ahead and dive your way into the unknown because life is too short for you to remain the same.

If some of your friends are not convinced of forgetting their beliefs, then simply respect them. Everyone has different struggles in life. Thus, believe them when they say that the spiritual nourishment that they are receiving is enough as of the moment. Do not be the bitter and self imposing friend.

You need to cooperate with the other ministries. In that way, you could be a better social person. Increase the range of your friends turned into families because you are not meant to live alone in this world.

Overall, simply be able to walk the talk. Show to others the reasons why one has decided to change your religion. However, realize that it will always be a matter of perspective. So, do not force others to follow your lead. Allow them to grow spiritually on their own. In that manner, you know that they are willing to do everything when they come back to you.

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