Contemplative Practices, The Latest Approach To Better Learning

By Marie Turner

Contemplating on something gives you a better idea through focus on details. In order to generate greater impact during learning, contemplative practices are advocated. They make students more aware of content under dissemination which makes learning to generate a greater impact. The students identify better with the role that such content can have in their lives and the community where they come from.

Through contemplation, a learner focuses more on a subject and can thus decipher greater detail. This approach makes the focus more particular or specific. This facilitates transfer of ideas without losing the basic concept. The focus is on a specific element instead of being arbitrary. This is the way to achieve a higher intellectual analysis capability which helps in problem solving. From this approach, a learner expands his perspective of life in light of the content shared.

The exercises make it easier to understand the content being delivered. Students become critical about this content and can put it into context with ease. They discover the underlying issues and can reason critically instead of recycling or reciting the information provided. This enables them to decipher the potent content in a subject. When information leads to knowledge, retention is boosted and the students become more creative as well as innovative.

Through contemplation, content is not taken blindly. They can create relationships between what is taught and their real lives. They learn to value what is learnt in class and use it in building a solid value system for their careers and learning processes. This is a way of making them excellent and valuable professionals who follow the protocol in the industry. They add value to their daily engagements in the industry.

The learning environment is enhanced when contemplative exercises are incorporated. The approach is subtle and personal for each session or content. This means that such exercises are only used in complimenting the curriculum. The student is alive to the environment and can relate content on offer to the methods and ethics of his or her profession. This is the genesis of greater creativity in a profession.

The main benefits of contemplation are building connection, awareness and communion. This has to be applied to the content under discussion. Tutors identify exercises that apply best for each situation, content or session. This way, you have personalized content for each pupil, class and subject. This requires a great deal of creativity.

Among the exercises used is stillness. When applied in a session, the content is first delivered after which silence is applied. It involves quieting the mind while you think about particular content, meditation, centering and actual silence. Students pay more attention to application of knowledge acquired to their real lives. This way, they devise creative ways of using this knowledge to transform their lives and those of their communities.

Creativity is also used as a contemplative exercise. It involves such activities as keeping of journals where ideas relating to a particular subject are discussed. This helps you identify a way of applying the ideas in real life. Students may also turn the content into expressive arts like a drawing. Other options include movement, activism and use of relational activities. The role of a tutor is to find a customized way of applying these techniques to simplify content and make it understandable.

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