Chinese Business Culture Facts And Practices

By Kevin Schmidt

While it can often be fun to do business in other countries, it can also be challenging. For example, Chinese Business Culture Facts show that everything from greetings to conversations are quite different than those in the United States and other countries. As such, it is important to study the proper etiquette and culture when planning on overseeing or attending a meeting in China.

Whether passing out documentation or presenting a slide show, it is extremely important that the individuals involved in presenting the information be prepared. When preparing documents and slides, it is important only use black and white ink. For, colors hold a number of different meanings when it comes to Chinese culture.

When it comes to the initial greeting, small talk is generally expected. In some cases, this time can be used to plan future events. Whereas, most often these brief discussions are related to office decor, weather and general conversation. As a rule, it is often best to avoid conversations related to policies or practices associated with a country or countries.

Delays are often common when working with China as asking for extensions to extend deadlines is often standard practice. For, the Chinese often feel that in doing so the country gains an advantage in the process. As such, accepting these delays without mentioning deadlines is often greatly appreciated.

Since Chinese people enter the room in hierarchical order, it is important that others attending a meeting do the same. Otherwise, it can often be assumed that the wrong individuals have the most power. As such, that individual will most likely get the most attention and respect in the meeting and throughout the process, which at times can create a great deal of confusion on behalf of attendees.

While there are business meetings year round, the most favorable time for these events is between April and June and September and October. For, these are the least busiest times of year for the Chinese. As such, it is often best to schedule meetings during this time of year. In China, operating hours are from 8 in the morning to 5 in the evening on weekdays, often with a two hour break from noon to 2 in the afternoon. At which time everything shuts down from telephones to elevators.

In most settings, handshakes are a common form of greeting. At the same time, there are people which are uncomfortable with personal contact. As such, it is often best when in China to allow hosts to make the first gesture of this kind. After which, it can be easier to know that the other party is comfortable in the process.

Most often, business personnel prefer to be referred to properly with title of position and last name. For example, Chairman, President and other titles followed by the last name of the individual. While this is the case, it is never appropriate to use the term comrade is it identifies oneself as being pro-communist.

Whether at the beginning, during or at the end, speaking a few words in Chinese is often a nice gesture. At the same time, if an individual is going to use the Chinese language, it is important to understand the meaning behind the words. For, if not careful, it can be easy to misspeak in ways which can often cause tension among attendees throughout the course of the meeting.

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