The Long History Of Women In Sports And Womens Sportswear

By Amanda Brooks

The nature of human beings has always been very a competitive one. Similarly to how the animal kingdom residents compete for different reasons, mainly food, humans are also in the same boat. This sort of thing is very common for all types of life forms that are seen in the world. But the man is the only one that competes for pleasure.

The kinds of things people do to prove superiority is long and recorded throughout history. This has been going since the caveman has begun to take step towards evolution. The need and drive has gotten to the point that anything can be used as a measuring stick. The biggest one though, comes in the form of sporting events. Women and UNC Charlotte womens sportswear have a long place in history.

The first records that were had of sporting activities depicted it as a way of training the army. Soldiers that were recruited needed to prove that soldiers were able and capable enough to serve in army. Thus, the commanding officers will often regulate games as a form of test to see if recruits have what it takes to be in the battlefield. Women were noted to take part in this activity as well.

When it comes to a team performance, the same thing still applies. As the original reasons as to why the warrior were allowed to play was because this had acted both as training and a measuring tool to see who among the rest is the best. Team games are done in squadrons and focus on how well the makeshift team performs the formations and strategies of war.

The past had a different way in term of how people treated their sporting events. Because a winner could mean that the people who was represented was also superior, the importance of certain games is raised higher and taken much more seriously than in todays world. The ancient world was also fair as they had let women participate as much as they like during it.

In Greece, the famous Olympics were established sometime around the classical period. The original purpose of doing so was to offer up worship to the gods of Olympus, namely Zeus, and appease them. The games eventually became a way for city states to show off the prowess of their champions. Women were allowed to compete in these games as well and of often against men in certain event that were held.

With the rise of the Romans, they captured the Greeks and ruled over them. This in turn, made the Romans adapt the culture that Greeks had as it was considered the most sophisticated of that time. Many different games were held by Romans but none like the Olympics that the Greeks had during their golden age.

The modern incarnation of sporting is far friendlier. Many compete with each other for fun and leisure. The advancement also had women become more of a central part in different sports and competitions.

The progress of the sporting world has given a lot of things to humanity. Many get to show off how good they are at the certain thing athletes compete in. Also, lots of friendships and bonds are built over it, become it something much greater.

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