The Most 4 Important Facts Regarding Golden Retrievers

By Robin Setser

Golden retrievers are among the most popular dog breeds in the world. Not only are they charming on the surface, but their energy and friendliness make them ideal for all sorts of households. How much do you know about these particular dogs, though? Even though you may be a Golden Retriever fan in your own right, there is so much more to learn about these animals than what exists on the surface. Here are 4 important things you should know about them.

First and foremost, despite their name, Golden Retrievers come in many varieties. Some of them have light fur, as you might have guessed by the name, but others have black fur. Some are exclusive to the United States, while others can be found in Canada. These are just a few things to know about the variety that these animals possess. Companies along the lines of Assisi Animal Health will be able to tell you more.

Golden Retrievers are quite big by nature, but this doesn't mean that they are lazy dogs. As a matter of fact, their energy levels are quite impressive, as they can run and play for hours at a time. Keep in mind that Golden Retrievers, at one time, were commonly used to help with hunting. This meant that they had to be physically strong. If you're concerned about endurance, know that your dog will be able to keep up with you during playtime.

Golden Retrievers are recommended for adoption, but this requires regular grooming on your end. You should take your dog to a local groomer on a regular basis, as well as comb his or her fur on your own time. One of the reasons for this is that Golden Retrievers shed on a seasonal basis. This means that it's your responsibility to keep said fur in peak condition. Actions like the ones covered earlier will ensure that your dog's appearance is maintained.

Did you know that Golden Retrievers can serve as therapy animals, too? Let's say that, for the sake of argument, that someone suffers from severe anxiety. It might not because of a specific reason, as anxiety can hit people from out of nowhere. Regardless, the calm demeanor of a Golden Retriever can help the sufferer cope, meaning that they can better manage their condition. This is one dog breed that can provide the support that certain people need.

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